Conference Secretariat:
Rural Studies / Whild
Åbo Akademi, Vasa
Strandgatan 2, PB 311
FIN – 65101 Vasa
For correspondance please use the secretariat email:
Local Organising Committee, Åbo Akademi University, Vasa Finland:
Kristina Svels, Master of Social Sciences, PhD student
Erland Eklund, D.Soc.Sc., Professor
Ville Klemets, Bachelor of Social Sciences, Amanuens
Scientific Committee:
Peter Aronsson, Professor in Cultural Heritage, Linköping University (Sweden)
Susanna Fellman, Dr.of Social Scences, Assoc.professor (docent), University of Helsinki (Finland)
Maths Isacson, Professor in Cultural Heritage, Uppsala University (Sweden)
Bo G Jansson, Professor, Högskolan i Dalarna (Sweden)