Service Design and Customer Journeys

Kursen ges på engelska. Om man vill delta fysiskt på campus är kursen en del av vår svenskspråkiga kurs Konsumentbeteende och går då att avlägga på svenska eller engelska.


The course introduces participants to the basics of customer experience, customer journeys and service design.

For any company, the ability to offer positive customer experiences has become a core competitive advantage. This course provides a customer centric perspective on service design, focusing on a variety of tools that can help in designing offerings across a series of touchpoints to support successful customer experiences and create value in the overall customer journey. Students will learn the basic concepts and models in the fields of customer experience and service design. The tools and insights are implemented in a practical course project.

Core themes: Offerings as service, customer value, customer experience, customer journey, service design

Learning goals:

After the course, the learner can

  • Describe basic theoretical concepts and models for analyzing the emergence of customer experience within customer journeys
  • Describe a set of service design methods that focus on customer journeys, and explain the role of customer insight within these methods
  • Apply service design methods to solve a practical business problem