Monthly Archives: May 2012

Heteronormativity: Where you don’t even notice it.

One of the topics that we discussed in class that I was able to connect with the most was the concept of heteronormativity. It is something that we don’t really realize is so prevalent in every culture, regardless of whether … Continue reading

Posted in cyberfeminism | 3 Comments

Feminists fight against insulting trolls

“In internet slang,  a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or … Continue reading

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Inspired by the online fieldwork assignment i have decided to take a look at another site called TheCHIVE. The site has a tagline “probably the best site in the world” I am not going to discuss wheter or not this … Continue reading

Posted in gender, online ethnography | 1 Comment

Diablo III,is this just a gender RPG?

During the past few weeks my Facebook wall was completely full of posts and pictures about Diablo III, so I started to look around and I realized that also  game shops had posters about this topic. But I started to … Continue reading

Posted in cyberfeminism | 2 Comments

Gender and Online Gaming

Here you can find the prezi from the 16th of May.

Posted in gender, prezi from lecture/seminar | Leave a comment

female-friendly porn

Last week’s class and its discussion about pornography, internet and gender made me think more about this. How male porn often leads to objectictification of the woman, is a serious problem. And how the Internet provides a large market for … Continue reading

Posted in cyberfeminism | 1 Comment

The Gender Ads Project

Unrelated to the topics that have been discussed previously on this blog, I would now like to discuss an initiative that begin in 2002. This initiative, the Gender Ads Project, is an online project that “gives educators and students resources for … Continue reading

Posted in cyberfeminism | 1 Comment

Leftover Chinese women in youtube video

In these years, there’s a new,specific and sexist term for unmarried women in China–leftover women (Shengnu). It refers to urban, professional women whose age over 27 still being single. The irony is male population is larger than female population. These … Continue reading

Posted in cyberfeminism | 2 Comments

Gender-swapping for beginners

The internet as a new space, where everyone can create a new identity made me think about how the users actually use the possibilities of self-fashioning and creating. I guess the possibility of creating a new virtual person of oneself … Continue reading

Posted in cyberfeminism | 1 Comment

Gender portrayal in Gaming: versus

Note: For the purpose of clarity, I am presenting the links to the videos discussed in this post here. XBox Girls Get Revenge — Geek and Gamer Girls — After viewing and analyzing the video Geek and Gamer … Continue reading

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