Preparations for next class (21.3.2012)

Read: Jenny Sundén and Malin Sveningsson Elm (2007) Cyberfeminism. In Northern       Lights. Digital Media and Gender in a Nordic Context. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.       (pp. 1-30)

Write a definition for: feminism, identity, gender, sexuality, community, femininity/masculinity, culture, power. Bring the definitions to class.

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2 Responses to Preparations for next class (21.3.2012)

  1. Daria Sverkunova says:

    Before reading the article, Jenny Sundén and Malin Sveningsson Elm (2007) Cyberfeminism. In Northern Lights. Digital Media and Gender in a Nordic Context I did not hear about cyberfeminism. However, the article is not only allowed me to learn a lot, but also to draw conclusions about this phenomenon.
    Cyberfeminism – the direction in contemporary literary and philosophical thought within feminist discourse, which is applied to the study and promotion of fundamental principles of cyberculture, formed in 1980 in the West in the wake of interest in the phenomenon of high technology, especially cybernetics, biomedicine, and virtual reality technologies.
    The attractiveness of cyberfeminism as a literary genre allows the authors found unexpectedly by discussing the form and quite conventional feminist themes of gender equality, social justice, freedom from violence, etc. In Russia, the spread of cyberfeminism due mainly to published in St. Petersburg magazine “Kiberfemin Club” .
    Women who call themselves cyberfeminism’s women primarily respond to the emergence of new technologies and are based on the need and aspirations of a collision, take their seats for women in cyberspace.
    The initial euphoria and excitement, more and more evident the need to give way, to consider issues related to new technologies. Utopia is recognized as such, ie, utopian, but the possibilities are considered as discursive, symbolic.
    Cyberfeminism’s approaches should include women from the semiconductor industry, as well as telephone operators and male designers.
    We talk about cyberspace is inseparable from the debate about work and working conditions in the period of globalization and neoliberalism.

    • apalmgre says:

      Several good and important points. Also interesting to relate cyberfeminism to different contexts/countries even if “we” talk about internet and globalization.

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