Energitekniken har nu 68 egna alumner (examen fram till 31.1.2025),
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Våra diplomarbeten publiceras i regel bara elektroniskt sedan hösten 2018. Länken till avhandlingen, som numera finns i Doria, hittar du i listan nedan.
Söderbacka Cynthia (2025). Techno-economic analysis of integrating hydrothermal carbonisation (HTC) in the downstream of the anaerobic digestion process- A Stormossen biogas plant case study.
Noah Lankoski (2024). Operational Study of an Integrated Power-to-X Plant in Kristinestad.
Kaj Rintanen (2024). Strukturdynamik i slipsystem. En utvärdering av mätmetoder och kritiska parametrar.
Linus Lybäck (2024). System optimization in a weather-
dependent energy system: Focusing on northern Sweden and HYBRIT.
Robert Köhler (2024).Tekniska möjligheter och lönsamheten med att utnyttja syrgas från elektrolys.
Roberth Sjöström (2023). Development and Build of an Auxiliary Systems to an Optical Spray Combustion Chamber
Eddie Westerlund (2023). Visualization and analysis of a pilot spray in a
medium-speed dual-fuel engine
Axel Hällfors (2023). Simulation Model of a Liquid Hydrogen Tank
Pettersson Kristian (2023). The carbon footprint of an oil product terminal
Saaranen Ville (2023). Utredning och optimering av Technobotnias adsorptionskylningssystem
Kim Sund (2023). Elbilsladdning, lastbalansering och laddningsinfrastruktur
Ida Kålax (2023). Techno-economic analysis of offshore wind-based hydrogen production in western Finland
Henrik Damlin (2022). Calculation and Simulation of Generator Protection Relay Settings at Hydropower Plants
Simon Lund (2022). Dimensionering av varmvattentank som säsongslager för uppvärmning i off grid-systemet vid Meteorian
Viljam Grahn (2022). Evaluation of the Heat Transfer from the Diesel Spray Combustion in an Optical Spray Combustion Chamber
Mathias Sandvik (2021). Development of a Fuel Gas Supply System for Ammonia-Fueled Ships
Robert Back (2021). Potential Energy Crops and Their Utilization Technologies in Ostrobothnia
Alex Back (2021). Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emission from District Heating in Finland by Implementing Modular Nuclear Reactors – A LCA Study of SMRs
Samuel Kekäläinen (2021). Data Pipelines and Edge Analysis in Engine Installations
Christoffer Sjöholm (2021) GHG Value Chain Reporting in App Development
Daniel Skullbacka (2021). Identification of possible measures to increase radial shaft seal lifespan in thrust bearing units using root cause analysis
Daniel Thölix (2021). Methods for Researching the Stratification Phenomena and Parameters Effecting it in a Cavern Thermal Energy Storage
Tobias Mäenpää (2021). Freight optimization
Jacob Kronqvist (2021). Effect of Dust Sintering on Fouling of Recovery Boiler Flue Gas Ducting
Mikael Huldin (2020). Energilagringens nuläge och framtid i Sverige.
Mathias Ståhl (2020). Case company study of total energy control and optimisation.
Jimmy Lidman (2020). Testing and validation of a prototype for selective catalytic reduction of NOx
Pontus Saxén (2020). Optimisation of a transformer production line.
Oskar Norrgård (2020). Techno-economic assessment of three thermal storage technologies.
William Nyström (2020). Benefits and possibilities with cruise-ship battery energy storage systems.
Sami Lieskoski (2020). Developing a demo environment on Phase Change Materials.
Sebastian Skata (2020). Pre-combustion Chamber Gas Injection Control of Lean-burn Stratified-charge Natural Gas Engines.
Kim Gästgivars (2020). Instrumentation and control optimization of a standard pressurized LNG satellite terminal.
Dennis Sundqvist (2020). Värmeåtervinning ur frånluften från en pulvermålningslinje.
Patricia Kronman (2020). Behovet av fysiska möten i en tidsålder av digital kommunikation: en studie i interkulturellt projektarbete.
David Andersson (2020). Optimized automation system for compact engine powerplants.
Tommy Öst (2019). Pressure relief valve sizing for LNG-fuelled ships.
Filip Slotte (2019). IoT applications in energy supply systems and traffic.
Emanuel Björk (2019). Reducing the carbon footprint at Wärtsilä Fuel Gas Supply Systems – Nordic logistics route analysis related to new rail link to China.
Andreas Snellman (2018). Development of Tank Monitoring System for Vacuuminsulated LNG Fuel Tanks.
Oscar Sunngren (2018). Medium and high-speed engines in marine hybrid applications.
Markus Norrgård (2018). Boil-off gas compressors on ships using LNG fuel.
Magnus Enqvist (2018). Implementation of a power driver controller using rapid control prototyping to control actuators in a medium speed internal combustion engine.
Dennis Högberg (2018). Measures to utilize real-time gas quality analyses for engine control.
Anders Kanckos (2018). Transient Modeling of a Two Staged-Turbocharged Medium-Speed Spark-Ignited Gas Engine.
Andreas Gammelgård (2018). Slipprocessens mekanismer. Utvärdering med hjälp av tribologicell.
Nicklas Peltola (2018). Cable led-through solutions for explosive atmosphere low voltage motor.
Joakim Gistö (2017). gjorde sitt slutarbete ”Evaluation of waste incineration of plant’s modifications – Air supply and control system” på Westenergy Oy Ab.
Johannes Örn (2017) gjorde sitt DI-arbete ”Insulation optimisation of exhaust gas ducting” för Wärtsilä.
Niklas Bergfast (2017) gjorde sitt DI-arbete ”CFD modelling of reductant injection and selective catalytic reduction of NOx in a medium-speed diesel engine exhaust after treatment system” för Wärtsilä.
Richard Örn (2017) gjorde sitt DI-arbete ”Active and passive balancing of Li-ion battery systems in large scale applications” för Wärtsilä.
Niklas Serén (2016) gjorde sitt DI-arbete ”Service and maintenance management optimisation and database clean-up of Comos MRO – Pegasus” för Westenergy.
Niclas Sandelin (2016) gjorde sitt DI-arbete ”Evaluation of vaporization systems in the LNG regasification process” för Wärtsilä.
Tommy Lindvall (2016) gjorde sitt DI-arbete ”Energy efficiency in reserve power plants – a concept study for internal combustion engine based applications” för Wärtsilä.
Christoffer Fagerström (2016) gjorde sitt DI-arbete ”Development of a technical specification for LNG terminals” för Wärtsilä.
Jonas Nyman (2016) gjorde sitt DI-arbete ”Fouling and corrosion in 4-stroke diesel engine exhaust gas systems” för Wärtsilä.
Jonathan Malm (2016) gjorde sitt DI-arbete ”Operational optimisation of hydropower for automatic frequency restoration reserve” för VEO Oy.
Alexander Héd (2016) skrev sitt DI-arbete ”Comparison and evaluation of exhaust gas backpressure calculation and measurement results” för Wärtsilä.
Johan Ehrs (2015) skrev sitt DI-arbete ”Feasibility study of DC distribution in marine electrical networks” för WE Tech Solutions Oy.
Björn Nygård (2015) skrev sitt DI-arbete om ”Boil-off gas handling for gas-fuelled ships” på Fuel Gas Handling för Wärtsilä.
Cecilia Haga (2015) skrev sitt DI-arbete ”Simulations of ion formation at temperature and pressure conditions found in a large bore gas engine” för Wärtsilä.
Tobias Krook (2015) skrev sitt DI-arbete ”Modularisation of a marine vessel’s auxiliary system” för Wärtsilä.
Michael Söderlund (2015) skrev sitt DI-arbete ”Gas Engines and Particulate Emissions” för Wärtsilä.
Nina Söderberg (2015) skrev sitt DI-arbete ”Fuel gas handling cost follow-up for LNGPack™” för Wärtsilä.
Kristian Pyhäjärvi (2014) skrev sitt DI-arbete ”Funktionalitets- och valideringstest av SCR-system” för Wärtsilä.
Dan Inborr (2013) skrev sitt DI-arbete ”Energy harvesting solution for electrical machinery” för Wärtsilä.
Paulina Kaivo-oja (2013) skrev sitt DI-arbete ”Development of a code of conduct for the Finnish wind energy sector and local WindPro applications” inom projektet Wasa Wind Hub, som är ett samarbete mellan Yrkeshögskolan Novia och Teknologicentrum Merinova.
Sanna-Sofia Skog (2013) skrev sitt DI-arbete ”Indoor air quality at a waste incineration plant in Finland” för Westenergy.