Category Archives: News

SPREMI 18 November: Dr Daria Dayter (U Tampere)

Welcome to SPREMI Thursday 18 November at 3 pm, in HELIKON (A202) in Arken.

Dr Daria Dayter, Assistant Professor at the University of Tampere, will present recent research in a talk entitled:
“How to persuade online: Changing readers’ views on the Reddit/ChangeMyView””

The seminar can also be attended online: (Meeting ID: 663 1270 3059)

Join us to explore fascinating persuasion efforts online!

Tuija and Urpo

SPREMI 4 November: Liz Marsden (English) & Alba Milá-Garcia (Universitat de Barcelona)

Welcome to SPREMI Thursday 4 November at 3 pm, in KÄLLAN (C201) in Arken.

Liz Marsden, postdoctoral researcher in English linguistics at ÅA, and Alba Milà-Garcia from the University of Barcelona present recent research in a talk entitled:
“Bonding through judging: Twitter’s ‘Am I The Asshole’ community”


The seminar can also be attended online:

SPREMI 21 October: Henrik Ruotsalainen

Välkomna till SPREMI torsdagen den 21 oktober kl 15-17 – denna gång i HELIKON (A202), Arken!

Henrik Ruotsalainen, doktorand i franska vid ÅA, presenterar sina senaste forskningsrön, under rubriken: “Modus efter konjunktionen après que (‘efter att’) I skriven franska” (abstrakt)

Seminariet kan även följas på distans: (Meeting ID: 663 1270 3059)

Welcome to SPREMI Thursday 21 October at 3 pm – this time on location in HELIKON (A202) in Arken!

Henrik Ruotsalainen (French Language and Literature, ÅA) will present recent research in a talk entitled: “Modus efter konjunktionen après que (‘efter att’) i skriven franska” (abstract). The talk will be in Swedish and as always, questions can be asked in many different languages.

The seminar can also be attended online: (Meeting ID: 663 1270 3059)

Alla intresserade välkomna! Join us to explore issues of normativity in light of a French construction!

SPREMI 23 September

The SPREMI seminar series starts on 23 September, 2021, at 3 pm. Saija Merke (Finnish Language, ÅAU) will present recent research on: “The (non-) uptake of student-initiated stories in study circles: Opening or shutting down potential learning space” (ABSTRACT)

The seminar takes place online; link in the abstract.

Introductory lectures 2021

The new academic year at the department starts with three introductory lectures on Monday 6 September 2021

  • New students: 10.00-10.55
  • ‘Old’ BA students: 11.00-11.30
  • MA students: 11.35-12.05

All three meetings are planned to take place in Fiesta B205, but if there are restrictions on group sizes, we’ll move the meetings online. In that case, we’ll send the Zoom link to enge-info and post it on our Moodle Notice Board.

The introduction is an important occasion where you will get a lot of essential information concerning your studies. So do come along!

Doctoral defence: Cathryn McWilliams

M.A. Cathryn McWilliams will publicly defend her doctoral thesis in English Language and Literature at the Faculty of Arts, Psychology and Theology at Åbo Akademi University on Monday 28 June, 2021, at 2pm.

The thesis is entitled The Letters and Legacy of Mary Ann McCracken.

Dr., Lecturer Jonathan Wright, Maynooth University, Ireland, will serve as opponent and professor Anthony Johnson, Åbo Akademi University, as custos.

You are welcome to follow the event online at

An online version of the thesis is available in Doria:

Doctoral defence: Mats Nyhom

FM Mats Nyhom will defend his doctoral thesis Friday, 14 May, 2021 at 5 pm.

The thesis is entitled Searchers After Horror: Understanding H. P. Lovecraft and His Fiction.

The opponent is Professor Timothy Murphy, Oklahoma State University, USA, and the chair is Associate Professor Jason Finch.

You are welcome to follow the event online using this link:

An online version of the thesis is available in Doria:

Thesis Festival 2021

The English Department’s online Thesis Festival will take place on Wednesday 19 May, starting at 4:15 pm, in Zoom at



Presentations of thesis work

 Lisa Martin-Harewood (BA):

“American and British English – Orthographic and Lexical Tendencies of Finland Swedish Secondary School EFL Learners”       

Meredith Brown (BA/MA):

“A Comparative Case Study of NESTs in Two EFL Contexts: South Korea and Finland”

 Jannika Siimelä (MA):

“Finland-Swedish Upper Secondary School Students’ Perspectives on Development and Assessment of Speaking Skills : A Case Study of the Effects of Pedagogical Intervention”


Matilda Söderbacka (MA):

“ ‘And the earth was without form and void’ : The Paradoxical Nature of Formlessness in Eleanor Wilner’s ‘Reading the Bible Backwards’”

Sara Hänninen (MA):

“The Use of Anglicisms in German, Swedish and Finnish Newspaper Advertising”

 Charlotte Stormbom (PhD):

“Gendered language in flux : The use of epicene pronouns in EFL and ELF writing”



Our next SPREMI session takes place on Thursday 8 April, 15:15-17 on Zoom.
Zoom link: (Meeting ID: 663 1270 3059).
The speaker is Henrik Ruotsalainen (French Language and Literature, Åbo Akademi). The title of his talk is “Modus efter konjunktionen après que (’efter att’) i modern franska” (see ABSTRACT).