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Holocaust Remembrance Day in Turku Synagogue, January 28, 2025

An event in remembrance for the victims of the Holocaust was arranged jointly by the Jewish community of Turku, Inistitutum Judaicum Aboense and the Memorial Association for the Victims of the Holocaust, HUM ry. Board member, Dr. Topias Tanskanen and Marja Segerholm, a student of Theology at ÅAU, represented Institutum Judaicum in the candle lighting ceremony.

A report in Turun Sanomat 29.1.2025.

An evening in commemoration of Kristallnacht and the eight deported Jews was held in Turku on November 6th

27 students and guests gathered on Thursday, November 6, to commemorate  the eight deported Jews , who were handed over to Gestapo in Helsinki on Nov 6, 1942, and taken to Auschwitz. The ”stumbling stone” dedicated to Hans Szybilski (Installed in 2022) is on the street outside of the address Vartiovuorenkatu 1 in Turku, which became his last home before the deportation. He and 6 others were murdered in Auschwitz. The evening continued in Auditorum Theologicum. The main speaker of the evening was Dr. Mercédesz Czimbalmos (ÅAU), a leading expert on contemporary antisemitism in Finland.


Institutum Judaicum Aboense session in TUTP 2024 research conference

The Research Conference in Theology and Religion invites and gathers researchers of the field to the unique joint national conference on 22nd to 24th of May, 2024, in Turku!

Call for papers is published.

Institutum Judaicum Aboense is the host of the session

Jewish Studies in Finland Today

This session focuses on the present day research in Jewish studies – other than the research on antisemitism – in Finland (N.B. the exclusion of the research on antisemitism is only pragmatic; there will be a special conference session dedicated to this topic). Within the frame of this session, the definition Jewish studies is understood in the broadest interdisciplinary sense and should not be restricted merely to studies taking place in the departments of Theology or Study of Religion. It is desirable that in this forum the breadth of the academic study of Judaism becomes visible, and topics ranging from antiquity to present day as well as from textual studies to aspects of lived religion, and anything in between, are welcome.

Session leaders:

Pekka Lindqvist, Åbo Akademi University/Institutum Judaicum Aboense,

Riikka Tuori, University of Helsinki

Institutum Judaicum Aboense Guest Lecture on Ethiopian Jews

Warmly welcome to the open lecture by Prof. Galia Sabar

”Ethiopian Jews: the long quest for Zion”

on Tuesday, October 3, 2023 at 15.00 in Runda rummet, Department of Theology, Biskopsgatan / Piispankatu 16, Åbo / Turku

The lecture will be streamed in Zoom. Link will be send to those who have registered themselves by e-mail to no later than Monday, October 2.
(Registration only for the online-participants.)

Antisemitism in the Finnish Church and Society, Past and Present

Monday, 8 May 2023, at 17.30-19.30 in Auditorium Theologicum, Department of Theology (Biskopsgatan 16, Åbo)

Dr. Paavo Ahonen: Lutheran priests and antisemitism in late 19th and early 20th century Finland

Doc. André Swanström: Finnish SS-men, military chaplains, and antisemitism

Dr. Mercédesz Czimbalmos: “Actually, criminalising Judaism sounds quite good!” – New waves of antisemitism in Finland 


The evening will be streamed in Zoom. Those wishing to participate via Zoom, should register themselves per e-mail to no later than Fri, 5 May.