Category Archives: News

SPREMI 25 March: Gustaf Olsson

Our next SPREMI session takes place on Thursday 25 March, 15:15-17 on Zoom.
Zoom link: (Meeting ID: 663 1270 3059).
The speaker is Gustaf Olsson (University of Turku, Russian Studies). The title of his talk is “Grammatical variation in loandwords” (see ABSTRACT). 

SPREMI 25 February: Ylva Biri

Our next SPREMI session takes place on Thursday 25 February, 15:15-17 on Zoom.
Zoom link: (Meeting ID: 663 1270 3059).
The speaker is Ylva Biri (University of Helsinki, English Philology). The title of her talk is “Participant positioning in interest-based online communities” (see ABSTRACT).

Doctoral defence: Charlotte Stormbom

FM Charlotte Stormbom will defend her doctoral thesis Friday, 12 February, 2021 at 1 pm.

The thesis is entitled Gendered language in flux: The use of epicene pronouns in EFL and ELF writing. Apart from the candidate’s lectio praecursoria in Swedish, the discussion will be in English.

The opponent is Professor Anna Mauranen, University of Helsinki, and the chair is Professor Tuija Virtanen-Ulfhielm.

You are welcome to follow the event online using this link:
Meeting ID: 6120 918 0922

A link to the online version of the thesis can be found here:

PREMIS 27.1.2021: Professor Casie Hermansson on Adapting Books for Film: Joyce’s “Eveline”

Please find attached details of our PREMIS Seminar this coming Wednesday 27th of January by Casie Hermansson on Adapting Books for Film: Joyce’s “Eveline”. Poster and details here: Premis 27th January 2021_Casie Hermansson.

Everyone is welcome to this first PREMIS of the year! This is a great event to write about for the critical reports for those doing the “new MA”!

N.B. Casie is asking us to read Joyce’s short story “Eveline” before the meeting in preparation for discussion. Details in the poster.

The event will take place 4:00-6:00pm on Wednesday 27th January in Zoom. Link in the poster. Please join using your first and last name.