Category Archives: News

Subject moot 14 October 2020

All students and staff of English Language and Literature are invited to subject moot on Wednesday 14 October 2020, at 4pm in Zoom (you’ll find the link on our Moodle Notice Board)

On the agenda of the moot we have the following items

  • Teaching in period 2
  • Attendance policy
  • Department events
  • Experiences of remote teaching

The subject moot is one good occasion for students to bring up issues for discussion. If you have any issues that you wish to be discussed at the meeting, email our department trainee by 11am on Wednesday 14 October.

Introductory lectures 2020

The new academic year at the department starts with three introductory lectures on Monday 31 August:

  • New students: 9-10, ASA Stora Auditoriet
  • ‘Old’ BA students: 11-12 via Zoom
  • MA students: 12-13 via Zoom

We’ll send the Zoom link to enge-info and post it on our Moodle Notice Board.

The introduction is an important occasion where you will get a lot of essential information concerning your studies. So do come along!

22 February 2020: Doctoral defence, FM Tommi Alho

FM Tommi Alho will publicly defend his doctoral thesis in English language and literature at the Faculty of Arts, Psychology and Theology at Åbo Akademi University, on Saturday 22 February, at 12 noon in Auditorium Armfelt, Arken (Fabriksgatan 2 /Tehtaankatu 2).

The thesis is entitled “Classical Education in the Restoration Grammar School: A Case Study of Orationes et carmina aliaque exercitia (Canterbury Cathedral Archives, Lit. MS E41)”

Professor Sarah Knight, University of Leicester, UK will serve as opponent and professor Anthony Johnson, Åbo Akademi University, as chair.

Apart from the candidate’s lectio praecursoria in Swedish, the discussion will be in English.

The thesis will be available in Doria


13 December: Doctoral Defence, Loukia Lindholm

M.A. Loukia Lindholm will publicly defend her doctoral thesis in English language and literature at the Faculty of Arts, Psychology and Theology at Åbo Akademi University. The thesis is entitled Form and Function of Response Stories in Online Advice. (Doria)

Professor Camilla Vásquez, University of South Florida, USA will serve as external examiner and professor Tuija Virtanen-Ulfhielm, Åbo Akademi University, as chair.