Category Archives: SPREMI

SPREMI 7 October: Aino Liira

In the SPREMI seminar on Thursday 7 October, Aino Liira (English, University of Turku) will talk about ““Editorial endeavours in a manuscript fragment? Linguistic and material evidence in a 16th-century copy of the English ‘Polychronicon’”

The seminar meets online in Zoom (link in the abstract)

Everybody is welcome!

SPREMI 23 September

The SPREMI seminar series starts on 23 September, 2021, at 3 pm. Saija Merke (Finnish Language, ÅAU) will present recent research on: “The (non-) uptake of student-initiated stories in study circles: Opening or shutting down potential learning space” (ABSTRACT)

The seminar takes place online; link in the abstract.


Our next SPREMI session takes place on Thursday 8 April, 15:15-17 on Zoom.
Zoom link: (Meeting ID: 663 1270 3059).
The speaker is Henrik Ruotsalainen (French Language and Literature, Åbo Akademi). The title of his talk is “Modus efter konjunktionen après que (’efter att’) i modern franska” (see ABSTRACT).

SPREMI 25 March: Gustaf Olsson

Our next SPREMI session takes place on Thursday 25 March, 15:15-17 on Zoom.
Zoom link: (Meeting ID: 663 1270 3059).
The speaker is Gustaf Olsson (University of Turku, Russian Studies). The title of his talk is “Grammatical variation in loandwords” (see ABSTRACT). 

SPREMI 25 February: Ylva Biri

Our next SPREMI session takes place on Thursday 25 February, 15:15-17 on Zoom.
Zoom link: (Meeting ID: 663 1270 3059).
The speaker is Ylva Biri (University of Helsinki, English Philology). The title of her talk is “Participant positioning in interest-based online communities” (see ABSTRACT).