Kasia Wojciechowicz ( Finnish Language):
“Computer-assisted data analysis software tools: NVIVO and AntConc”
Thursday 1 November, 3-5pm (Jöns Budde)
Welcome! Välkommen! Tervetuloa!
Kasia Wojciechowicz ( Finnish Language):
“Computer-assisted data analysis software tools: NVIVO and AntConc”
Thursday 1 November, 3-5pm (Jöns Budde)
Welcome! Välkommen! Tervetuloa!
SPREMI meets on Thursdays, every second week, 15-17, in Jöns Budde. One slot is still available for a presentation this autumn, and of course, many slots in the spring. Do not hesitate to contact me or Urpo if you’d like to present work at SPREMI this autumn.
All the best,
Tuija (& Urpo)
Adam Borch (English Language and Literature / Swedish Language): “Learned Societies and the New Media.”
Thursday 18 October, 3-5pm (Jöns Budde)
Contact Adam for a draft version of the article discussed at the seminar.
Welcome! Tervetuloa!
Jutta Rosenberg (Finnish Language):
“Hashtagien pragmaattiset funktiot Instragramin suomenkielisissä kuvateksteissä.”
Thursday 20 September, 3-5pm (Jöns Budde)
Welcome! Tervetuloa!
Kaisa Korpinen (English Language and Literature):
“Two Case Studies on Formulaic Sequences in EFL Students’ Academic Presentations”
Thursday 20 September, 3-5pm (Jöns Budde)
Dr Svante Lindberg (French Language and Literature, Åbo Akademi):
“Exiguïté et scènes d’énonciation : sur la littérature francophone des provinces « anglophones » du Canada”
Thursday 17 May 3-5pm (Jöns Budde)
La communication sera faite en français. Questions également en suédois et en anglais.
The talk will be given in French. Questions also in Swedish and English.
Welcome! Bienvenue!
Dr David Chataignier (French Language and Literature, Åbo Akademi):
“Truth and fiction in travel accounts of the Orient: The imaginary journey of Georges Guillet de Saint George in Ottoman Greece (1675-1676)”
Thursday 3 May 3-5pm (Jöns Budde)
Welcome! Bienvenue!
Irina Rogojin (Russian Language and Literature, Åbo Akademi):
“Speech Act Theory and pragmatic functions of Russian diminutives”
Thursday 19 April 3-5pm (Jöns Budde)
Prof. Dominique Lagorgette (Université Savoie Mont Blanc):
“French Medieval Corpora: Including the diatopic and diastratic variation in French medieval linguistic studies – a methodological approach”
Thursday 12 April 3-5pm (Jöns Budde)
All interested are warmly welcome!
Ksenia Kanerva and Gustaf Olsson (University of Turku):
“Redundancy in the Russian case system”
Thursday 5 April 3-5pm (Jöns Budde)
All welcome!