The first SPREMI session of the year takes place on 14 January, 15:15-17 on Zoom (link in the abstract above). The speaker is Izabela Czerniak and her talk has the title “Relativisation strategies in English – Output from Penn Parsed Corpora of Historical English”.
Category Archives: News
SPREMI 15 October 2020: Tuija Virtanen-Ulfhielm & Charlotte Stormbom
Tuija Virtanen-Ulfhielm & Charlotte Stormbom (English Department)
Intentionality Marking in Online Consumer Reviews of Books: A Work-In-Progress Seminar
15 October 2020 from 1515-1700
SPREMI 12 November: Izabela Czerniak
Izabela Czerniak’s SPREMI presentation will take place on 12 November 2020. The topic and Zoom link will be posted closer to the event.
SPREMI 29 October: Aino Tuomola
Aino Tuomola’s SPREMI presentation will take place on 29 October 2020. The topic and Zoom link will be posted closer to the event.
Subject moot 14 October 2020
All students and staff of English Language and Literature are invited to subject moot on Wednesday 14 October 2020, at 4pm in Zoom (you’ll find the link on our Moodle Notice Board)
On the agenda of the moot we have the following items
- Teaching in period 2
- Attendance policy
- Department events
- Experiences of remote teaching
The subject moot is one good occasion for students to bring up issues for discussion. If you have any issues that you wish to be discussed at the meeting, email our department trainee by 11am on Wednesday 14 October.
SPREMI 1 October: Jutta Rosenberg
Höstens första SPREMI äger rum den 1 oktober, klockan 15:15-17 i Zoom (se länk nedan). Talare för dagen är Jutta Rosenberg från ämnet finska. Hon kommer att hålla ett föredrag med rubriken “Informationsstrukturen i inlägg på sociala medier”.
SPREMI programme autumn 2020
We meet on Thursdays, every second week, 15-17, in Zoom (for link to Zoom, see the programme above). One presentation slot is still available this autumn!
Introductory lectures 2020
The new academic year at the department starts with three introductory lectures on Monday 31 August:
- New students: 9-10, ASA Stora Auditoriet
- ‘Old’ BA students: 11-12 via Zoom
- MA students: 12-13 via Zoom
We’ll send the Zoom link to enge-info and post it on our Moodle Notice Board.
The introduction is an important occasion where you will get a lot of essential information concerning your studies. So do come along!
Department Trainee Position, autumn 2020
The department is looking for a trainee for the period mid-August to mid-November 2020 (three months).
More information in the Trainee ad autumn 2020
SPREMI 19 March, 2020: Signe-Anita Lindgrén
Signe-Anita Lindgrén
”Digital literacy and a new tool box for university teachers”
Thursday 19 March, 2020, 15.15-17, in Zoom (
All Welcome!