Adam Borch (English Language and Literature / Swedish Language): “Learned Societies and the New Media.”
Thursday 18 October, 3-5pm (Jöns Budde)
Contact Adam for a draft version of the article discussed at the seminar.
Welcome! Tervetuloa!
Adam Borch (English Language and Literature / Swedish Language): “Learned Societies and the New Media.”
Thursday 18 October, 3-5pm (Jöns Budde)
Contact Adam for a draft version of the article discussed at the seminar.
Welcome! Tervetuloa!
You are warmly welcome to the second PREMIS seminar of the autumn! On Wednesday UK-based poet Robert Powell will share about his work where rivers, including the river Aura, have a strong presence. See poster.
Jutta Rosenberg (Finnish Language):
“Hashtagien pragmaattiset funktiot Instragramin suomenkielisissä kuvateksteissä.”
Thursday 20 September, 3-5pm (Jöns Budde)
Welcome! Tervetuloa!
Here is the PREMIS schedule in Autumn 2018.
If you would like to present in Spring 2019, please contact me (Jason).
STOP PRESS, Booker long-listed novelist Guy Gunaratne will speak at PREMIS on 21 November. The session originally scheduled for then will be rescheduled.
Kaisa Korpinen (English Language and Literature):
“Two Case Studies on Formulaic Sequences in EFL Students’ Academic Presentations”
Thursday 20 September, 3-5pm (Jöns Budde)
The new academic year at the department starts with three introductory lectures on Monday 3 September:
The introduction is an important occasion where you will get a lot of essential information concerning your studies. So do come along!
29 June, 2018, at 13, Auditorium A, Gadolinia:
Public defence of FM Kai Latvalehto’s doctoral thesis, entitled Finnish Blood, Swedish Heart? Examining Second-Generation Sweden-Finnishness.
Opponent: Dr., Reader in Media and Culture Sean Campbell, Anglia Ruskin University, UK.
Custos (chair): Professor Anthony Johnson.
Thesis in Doria
Emma Kanckos, doctoral student at English Language and Literature, received second prize for her poems in the Arvid Mörne contest.
Dr Svante Lindberg (French Language and Literature, Åbo Akademi):
“Exiguïté et scènes d’énonciation : sur la littérature francophone des provinces « anglophones » du Canada”
Thursday 17 May 3-5pm (Jöns Budde)
La communication sera faite en français. Questions également en suédois et en anglais.
The talk will be given in French. Questions also in Swedish and English.
Welcome! Bienvenue!
Dr David Chataignier (French Language and Literature, Åbo Akademi):
“Truth and fiction in travel accounts of the Orient: The imaginary journey of Georges Guillet de Saint George in Ottoman Greece (1675-1676)”
Thursday 3 May 3-5pm (Jöns Budde)
Welcome! Bienvenue!