SPREMI 19 October 2023: Kukka-Maaria Wessman

Welcome to SPREMI on Wednesday 19 October, 2023, at 15:15-17 in Helikon (A202, Arken, Tehtaankatu 2).

The speaker of the day is PhD candidate Kukka-Maaria Wessman from the University of Turku. Her topic is “Visual aphorisms as stance-driven multimodal Internet memes”.

Further information can be found in the abstract

The seminar can also be attended online at: https://aboakademi.zoom.us/j/66312703059 (Meeting ID: 663 1270 3059)

Everybody is welcome!

SPREMI 2 October 2023: Jan-Ola Östman

Welcome to SPREMI on Monday 2 October, 2023, at 4 pm in Källan (C201, Arken, Tehtaankatu 2).

The speaker of the day is professor emeritus Jan-Ola Östman (Scandinavian Languages, University of Helsinki). His topic is “Construction Grammar Forty Years After – Constructions all the way up!”.

Further information can be found in the abstract.

The seminar can also be attended online at: https://aboakademi.zoom.us/j/66312703059 (Meeting ID: 663 1270 3059)

Everybody is welcome!

Introductory meetings, Monday 4 September

The new academic year at the department starts with three introductory meetings on Monday 4 September in Källan (C201, Arken)

  • New students, 9.00-9.45
  • Other BA students, 10.00-10.30
  • MA students, 10.45-11.30

The introduction is an important occasion where you will get a lot of essential information concerning your studies. So do come along!

Thesis Festival 11th May, 13:00-15:30

It is once again time for the annual Thesis Festival here at the English Department and the awarding of the H.W Donner Essay Prize. The Festival will take place in Kramer (M220) this Thursday.

The festival is an informal occasion for those, and others, who have or are about to complete their BA or MA thesis to present their hard work in a brief presentation (10-15min) and discuss the ups and downs of thesis writing. The presentation is informal and therefore does not require any Powerpoint presentations or similar and is instead an opportunity for people to present what they found interesting in their thesis work along with possible struggles, challenges and points of interest.

You can freely choose the focus of your presentation. The audience is likely to expect some information about the topic, aim and scope, research question(s), methods, materials and (main) findings of your thesis, including your arguments and conclusions. Along with any other information or findings that you may consider pertinent.

The event will start with the Thesis Festival and is followed by the awarding of the H.W. Donner Essay Prize.

All are welcome to partake in the festival and the refreshments.

PREMIS 10 May 2023: Nalle Valtiala

Welcome to PREMIS on Wednesday 10 May, 2023, at 4 pm in Helikon (A202, Arken, Tehtaankatu 2).

This days speaker will be Kaarle-Juhani Bertel ‘Nalle’ Valtiala who will be presenting giving a talk on ‘Into the Blue: Anne Grant and James Fenimore Cooper’. A discussion the works of the Scottish writer Anne Grant and the work of James Fenimore Cooper.

All are welcome!

Further information can be found in the abstract.

The seminar can also be attended online at: https://aboakademi.zoom.us/j/6066966700 (Meeting ID: 606 696 6700)

PREMIS 26 April 2023: Karen Cheung

Welcome to PREMIS on Wednesday 26 April, 2023, at 4 pm in Helikon (A202, Arken, Tehtaankatu 2).

The speaker of the day is the author, editor, and journalist Karen Cheung. Her topic is “Towards Obliterature: Writing a Female Text of Hong Kong.

Karen Cheung is a writer from Hong Kong. She is the author of The Impossible City: A Hong Kong Memoir (Random House), which was longlisted for the Andrew Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Nonfiction, and named one of the best books of the year by the Washington Post and The Economist. Her essays, reported features, and cultural criticism have been published in the New York TimesForeign PolicyThis American LifeNew StatesmanThe RumpusEvergreen Review, The Offing, and elsewhere. She was formerly a senior reporter at Hong Kong Free Press, and Associate Editor at Asia Art Archive.

All are welcome!

Further information can be found in the abstract.

The seminar can also be attended online at: https://aboakademi.zoom.us/j/6066966700 (Meeting ID: 606 696 6700)

Symposium 5th May: Creating Time in Narrative Nonfiction

There will be a symposium on the 5th of May, from 9:00-17.00 in Arken (Tehtaankatu 2), Auditorium Helikon. The topic of the symposium will be Creating Time in Narrative Nonfiction and will be hosting seven different speakers with a variety of topics throughout the day.

The event is open to the public and all attendees are welcome.

(For those working on their Masters or Extra Curricular Activities this is an excellent opportunity for collecting reports.)

For further information on the readers, their topics and the schedule of the event see the attached file.


Book Reading 27th April: ‘The Impossible City: Writing Home’

On the 27th of April in the City Library of Turku at 17:30 there will be a book reading by the writer, editor, and journalist Karen Cheung from her book The Impossible City: A Hong Kong Memoir. 

The work of nonfiction portraying the younger generation of the city, its spirit and its underground music scene draws on the author’s personal experiences and has been named one of the best books of the year by the Washington Post and The Economist.

Find additional information regarding the event at the Turku City Library’s website and on Facebook.

SPREMI 20 April 2023: Debopam Das

Welcome to SPREMI on Thursday 20 April, 2023, at 3 pm in Helikon (A202, Arken, Tehtaankatu 2).

The speaker of the day is university lecturer Debopam Das (English Language and Literature, ÅAU).). His topic is “Structuring discourse through discourse relations and relational signals.” The talk combines grammar, text, and discourse as well as semantics.

Further information can be found in the abstract.

The seminar can also be attended online at: https://aboakademi.zoom.us/j/66312703059 (Meeting ID: 663 1270 3059)

Everybody is welcome!