Kategoriarkiv: Summa theologica

Biblical Hermenutics

Questio 68,1 In discussing questions of this kind two rules are to be observed, as Augustine teaches. The first is, to hold the truth of Scripture without wavering. The second is that since Holy Scripture can be explained in a … Fortsätt läsa

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God Creates Beauty

Questio 66, 1: As far as may be gathered from the text of Genesis a threefold beauty was wanting to corporeal creatures, for which reason they are said to be without form. For the beauty of light was wanting to … Fortsätt läsa

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The Treatise on God – Some Reflections

Having now finished Thomas treatment of God, including the trinity, here are some things that have struck me. I do not know if I expected it to be different, but it is certainly fascinating the way he intertwines the philosophical … Fortsätt läsa

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The Simplicity of God

The textbooks tells us that in the west one begins with talking about God as One and the adds that God is also trinity, wheras in the East one begins with the three persons and then try to descirbe their … Fortsätt läsa

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Does God Will Evil?

Q19 deals with the will of God and the ninth article ask ”Whether God Wills Evils?”. The framework of course is the privation concept of evil and Thomas shows why this view of evil is helpful when tackling this eternal … Fortsätt läsa

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Gimme some Truth

Thomas treatment of truth in questio 16 is interesting, I think, primarily for the discussion of the relationship between the true and the good (Q16A3). Obviously the correspondence theory of truth has its well known problems. The good is ”that … Fortsätt läsa

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Analogy and Metaphores

Questio 13 deals with Thomas concept of analogy. Here I do feel slightly uneasy because I think the eastern concept of ”negative theology” to be extremely fruitful, and Thomas in a way goes against it. (This is what Lossky also … Fortsätt läsa

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Goodness and God

Questions 5 and 6 deal with goodness and the goodness of God respectively. Thomas uses Aristotles definition of good as ”what everyone desires”, which for Thomas obviously is God. Thus God is what everyone desires and everything good participates in … Fortsätt läsa

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Taking on the Summa Theologica

One reason I started this blog is that I felt I need to put down my thoughts on what I read somewhere for future reference. I am terribly undisciplined in that sense. I read a lot and I think I … Fortsätt läsa

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