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Artos/Fontana media 2014.
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Redigerad tillsammans med Liisa Mendelin. 160 sidor.
Fontana Media 2013.
Om kristet motstånd
116 sidor.
Artos/Fontana Media 2011.
The Asceticism of Isaac of Nineveh
264 pages
Oxford University Press 2010Kategorier
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- Jani Edström om En icke-konvertering
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- Luisa Tast om En icke-konvertering
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Kategoriarkiv: Books read
Gerhard Lohfink: Does God Need the Church?
This book is written some years before the Jesus book, but it has the same ”bringing-it-all-together”-character to it. Again it is hard to avoid the comparison with Yoder, but whereas Yoder is an ethicist with very good knowledge of the … Fortsätt läsa
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Brad S. Gregory: The Unintended Reformation. How a Religious Revolution Secularized Society
It is a bit difficult to know what to do with this book. Its central idea can be summed up in one sentence: By breaking up the unity of truth claims, the reformation spawned secular society. It is not a … Fortsätt läsa
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Gerhard Lohfink: Jesus of Nazareth. What He Wanted, Who he Was
I cannot claim to have read a ton of Jesus-books, but this is definetely a book that does what I would want a Jesus-book to do. Solid engagement with the results of historical research combined with theological, philosophical and political … Fortsätt läsa
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Karl Barth: Protestant Thought: From Rousseau to Ritschl
I must confess I find it hard to read Barth – the Barth of Kirchliche Dogmatik I mean. So I have taken the lazy approach to Barth, reading several of his smaller works, like the Anselm book and Dogmatics in … Fortsätt läsa
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Some Ivan Illich
I have fallen seriously behind on my blogging about the books that I’ve read, so to shave some of that pile here are three short reports on books by Ivan Illich. Several people happened to recommend me reading him at … Fortsätt läsa
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Vincent J. Miller: Consuming Religion. Christian Faith and Practice in a Consumer Culture.
Don’t write about popular culture. That is the number one rule on writing books with longetvitity. I actually thought this book was more recent and only discovered that it was published in 2003 when Miller started discussing… Moby. And even … Fortsätt läsa
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Jonas Ideström: Lokal kyrklig identitet. En studie av implicit ecklesiologi med exemplet Svenska kyrkan i Flemingsberg.
Om jag fick bestämma skulle denna bok användas som mall för snart sagt alla empiriskt inriktad forskning om kyrkan. Det är lite överdrivet sagt, men den gör en del saker som så många kyrkosociologiska studier inte gör – framför allt … Fortsätt läsa
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Erik Peterson: Theological Tractates
I picked up this one at Bjärka-Säby, a bit surprised to find it on sale there (anyody know the reason?), since I was then reading Agamben and he engages with Peterson extensively. Besides that, the only thing I knew about … Fortsätt läsa
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Giorgio Agamben: The Kingdom and the Glory. For A Theological Genealogy of Economy and Government.
Why do we think about politics the way we think? Agamben’s answer: Because of Christianity. Wheras theologians of old (20th century, I mean) asked ”Why do Christians worship the way the do” and answered ”Because of Roman Politics”, Agamben maintains … Fortsätt läsa
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David Graeber: Debt. The First 5000 Years.
I can honestly not remember the last time I read a book that I learned so much new stuff from. Of course, this is beacuse my knowledge of ancient economic systems were very limited before I picked up the book, … Fortsätt läsa
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