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Om sann gemenskap
267 sidor.
Artos/Fontana media 2014.
Efter folkkyrkan
267 sidor.
Artos 2013.
En liten skillnad
Redigerad tillsammans med Liisa Mendelin. 160 sidor.
Fontana Media 2013.
Om kristet motstånd
116 sidor.
Artos/Fontana Media 2011.
The Asceticism of Isaac of Nineveh
264 pages
Oxford University Press 2010Kategorier
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- Luisa Tast om En icke-konvertering
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Kategoriarkiv: Hauerwas
Stanley Hauerwas: Christian Existence Today. Essays on Church, World, and Living In Between.
You could make the argument that some of Hauerwas books are marketed in a misleading way, i.e. they give the appereance of being studies of a particular subject but in fact tend to include essays on quite diverse themes. I … Fortsätt läsa
Publicerat i Hauerwas
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My Hauerwas article published in Political Theology
The new issue of Political Theology has an article of mine in it, To Travel in One Place: Openings for a New Asceticism in the Theology of Stanley Hauerwas. This is what it is about: The article argues that there … Fortsätt läsa
Publicerat i Hauerwas, work
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Stanley Hauerwas: Cross-Shattered Christ. Meditations on the Seven Last Words.
I am really bad at reading this kind of books, that is slow meditative reading. (I read it in roughly two hours.) So I am in no way the right person to discuss this book, I can merely describe it, … Fortsätt läsa
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Stanley Hauerwas: Naming the Silences. God, Mediciene, and the Problem of Suffering.
Note: Also published as God, Mediciene, and the Problem of Suffering. This book contains in essence Hauerwas very particular argument about medicine and medical ethics. It is a powerful book, it uses child leukemia at a time when it was … Fortsätt läsa
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Stanley Hauerwas: Prayers Plainly Spoken.
This small book is nothing like any other Hauerwas book. It consists of prayers Hauerwas has written to be prayed before class in his ethics course. Hauerwas tells the story in Hannah’s child: Sometimes Paula reminds me what I am … Fortsätt läsa
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Stanley Hauerwas: Dispatches from the Front. Theological Engagements with the Secular.
This is a book that is pretty much about Hauerwas positioning himself in relation to various other scholars and theologians, to institutions like the Church and the University (the excellent introduction) and to intellectual movements like communitarianism and just war-theory. … Fortsätt läsa
Publicerat i Hauerwas
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Stanley Hauerwas: Unleashing the Scripture. Freeing the Bible from the Captivity to America.
This one is special. This is the Hauerwas book I give to friends of mine that enter the ministry. It might also be the most provocative book he has written. It is also, from a European point of view, misleadingly … Fortsätt läsa
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Stanley Hauerwas: War and the American Difference. Theological Reflections on Violence and National Identity.
This, Hauerwas’s other 2011 book, is more tightly focused than Working with Words, which means that if you are interested in those questions, war and (american) nationalism, you’ll find this book important whereas if not, you won’t. I prefered Working … Fortsätt läsa
Publicerat i Books read, Hauerwas
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Stanley Hauerwas & William H. Willimon: Where Resident Aliens Live
Stanley kids Will, saying that Will never had an unpublished thought – and that most of the good one’s are Hauerwas’s. Will’s retort is that nobody would have heard any of Stanley’s thoughts had it not been for Will’s superior … Fortsätt läsa
Publicerat i Books read, Hauerwas
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Stanley Hauerwas and Samuel Wells (eds.): The Blackwell Companion to Christian Ethics.
This ”Companion” is nothing like most such ”Companions” published in resent years at a mind-boggling rate. It does not provide a balanced overview, with all relevant perspectives given their due. It is all about Hauerwas. Not in the sense that … Fortsätt läsa
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