Kategoriarkiv: Books read

Gustaf Törnwall: Andligt och världsligt regemente hos Luther.

I motsats till Frostin, så är Törnwall, vars bok publicerad 1940 helhjärtat positiv till tvåregementsläran. Samtidigt illustrerar hans bok ypperligt det centrala problemet med tvåregementsläran. Den är så komplicerad att alla försök att förenkla den leder till allvarliga missförstånd. Därför … Fortsätt läsa

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James M. Stayer: Martin Luther, German Saviour

This extremely interesting book does two things. It reveiws and analyzes the interpretations of Luther undertaken in Germany between 1917 and 1933, and it brilliantly places this theological work in its historical and political context. I am, of course mainly … Fortsätt läsa

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Per Frostin: Luther’s Two Kingdoms Doctrine. A Critical Study.

This book, published posthumously in 1994 is attempt to crticially study if there is such a thing as a Two Kingdoms doctrine in Luther. That Luther writes about two kingdoms and uses this as a tool in his thinking about … Fortsätt läsa

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Frank Herbert: Heretics of Dune, Chapterhouse: Dune

These are the final two books in the Dune Saga, and to be honest, the only thing that made me read them all the way through is that I am the kind of person that finish books I’ve started. They … Fortsätt läsa

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Frank Herbert: God Emperor of Dune

This is part four out of the original six books in the Dune Chronicles (Herbert’s son has written a few more), and clearly, for this one Herbert has somewhat painted himself into a corner – once you turned you main … Fortsätt läsa

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Brian Aldiss roundoup: Equator, The Interpretor, Frankenstein Unbound, The Eighty-minute Hour

Sci-fi summer continues. This whole madness got started when I raided my dad’s old collection of sci-fi from the 60’s and 70’s and I’ve been at it again. Since I try to look for political Sci-fi I chose the four … Fortsätt läsa

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Ursula K. LeGuin: The Dispossessed

This is about as close to the ideal sci-fi as way to explore possible political systems as you get. There is very little plot involved, but the characters are interesting enough for that to be little of a problem. Of … Fortsätt läsa

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Frank Herbert: The Great Dune Trilogy

So, apparently this Sci-Fi summer, although I’m getting a bit bored already. The Great Dune Trilogy is of course a real sci-fi classic, and deservedly so. The story itself is not the greatest aspect of these books, at least for … Fortsätt läsa

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Dietrich Bonhoeffer: (The Cost of) Discipleship

A book one is supposed to have read already, of course. It is a really mixed bag, though, IMO. There is the classic stuff (Costly vs. Cheap grace), the really good (the political stuff) and the mediochre, stuff that can … Fortsätt läsa

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Axel Hjeresen: Den moderna människans dogmer

Jag tror att det är vanligt bland skrivande människor att man läser en bok och tänker att den boken önskar man att man skrivit själv. Men det här är första gången jag stött på en bok som det känns som … Fortsätt läsa

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