On April 8-9 there is a two day symposium Ethics and Experience: Widening Perspectives, in philosophy with invited and local speakers
More information on pre-readings (for Monday) to come.
Every one is welcome!
‘Don’t start with a moral theory, start with where you actually are. Here is a question that I think ethicists should be asking alongside Nagel’s famous question about bats (at the moment I want to use it as the title of Epiphanies Chapter 4): “What is it like to be a human being?” So start with that. Start with what it’s like to be you, with your subjectivity here and now, with what looks serious and real and important and beautiful and (yes, why not?) fun to you just as you are, from your own viewpoint. Because actually that’s the only place you ever can start from, really, and one tendency of systematising theories is to obscure this truth. ‘
Read the full interview to find out more about Sophie-Grace Chappell’s thoughts about moral philosophy and trans experience, two themes she will also enter more deeply into during the symposium.
Contact camilla.kronqvist(a)abo.fi if you need the password for Monday’s pre-circulated papers!
Auditorium Källan
15.15-16.25 Sophie-Grace Chappell (Open University): No More Heroes Any More?
Auditorium Westermarck
16.55-18.05 Anne-Marie Søndergaard Christensen (University of Southern Denmark): ’A Two-way Movement in Philosophy’. A Wittgensteinian take on a Murdochioan Point
18.15-20.00 Maria Balaska (University of Hertfordshire): From Dispossessed Words to Lived Words: Cavell and Freud
Auditorium Westermarck
10.15-11.45 Sophie Grace Chappell (Open University): Le bon Dieu n’est pas comme ça: Transgender in Theory and in Experience
12.00-13.00 Salla Peltonen (Åbo Akademi): Challenging Macho Philosophies: Is Gender a Serious Philosophical Topic?
14.15-15.15 Camilla Kronqvist (Åbo Akademi): Dealing with Difference: On the Need for Gentleness
15.30-16.30 Joel Backström (Helsingfors Universitet): ”The Absent Centre of Our Discourses on Sexuality and Gender”
16.45-17.30 Ylva Gustafsson (Åbo Akademi): ”On the Masculinization of Emotion Research”