
Forskarseminariet i filosofi ht 2024

Måndagar 18-20

16.9 Martin Gustafsson (ÅA): Sound and Meaning in Music and Language

23.9 Sven-Olov Wallenstein (Södertörn): Musik, språk, begrepp

30.9 Olli Lagerspetz (ÅA): Trust and Testimony: The Role of Conflict and Failure

7.10 Jennie Plate Blomberg (Södertörn): Leda in absurdum

14.10 Hugo Strandberg (ÅA): On Disagreement

21.10 Martin Gustafsson (ÅA): ”I don’t really wanna sing along, if a computer wrote the fuckin’ song” – Om att dra gränsen mellan det mänskliga och det artificiella

4.11 Lesley Paige Jamieson (Pardubice): Moral Attention and Bad Sentimentality

11.11 Ryan Manhire (ÅA): “Tell them I’ve had a wonderful life”: Wittgenstein’s Final Words from the Perspective of the World Sub Specie Aeterni

18.11 Alexander Öhman (ÅA): De försvinnande spårens poetik

25.11 Lars Hertzberg (ÅA): Reflections on Wittgenstein’s On Certainty

2.12 Salla Aldrin Salskov (ÅA): Goodness Beyond Moral Necessity: On loving tout court

9.12 Lovisa Andén (ÅA): Presentation av boken Mer verklig än verkligheten: Fenomenologi och poetik hos Merleau-Ponty, Proust och Stendhal. (+ Julfest)

Forskarseminariet i filosofi vt 2024

Måndagar 18-20

15.1 Martin Gustafsson (ÅA): Philosophical remarks on the development of chess

22.1 Hugo Strandberg (ÅA): Den vardagliga komedin

29.1 Stefan Giesewetter (ÅA): Discussion of “Is Objectivity Perspectival?” by Cristina Lafont

5.2 Fredrik Svenaeus (Södertörn): ur Världen vaknar

12.2 Minisymposium: Nyliberalism och demokrati. Med Jenny Andersson (Uppsala) och Johan Strang (Helsingfors). Symposiet är ett samarbete mellan Filosofi och Allmän historia vid Åbo Akademi. Kl. 17:15-20.00, i Arken Källan (C201).

26.2 (17:15-18:15) Maria Balaska (Hertfordshire): How nature matters: The example of houseplants, real and fake

26.2 (18:30-20:00) Cecilie Eriksen (Århus): Bias, Blind Spots, and Cherry-picking: An uneasy text experiment with the genre ’academic article’

4.3 Natan Elgabsi (ÅA): Reading About the Past, or To Witness Absent Others

18.3 Oskar Lindblom (ÅA): The Sincerity Condition: Some Wittgensteinian Remarks

25.3 Olli Lagerspetz (ÅA): Edward Westermarck’s ‘Rehabilitation’ after the Turn of the Millenium

8.4 Camilla Kronqvist (ÅA): “Did he love?” On the indeterminacy of the mental and open questions in ethical encounters

15.4 Salla Aldrin Alskov (ÅA): Inledning (till ”Vardagsspråkskritik: Nordisk litteratur, litteraturforskning och filosofi efter Austin, Wittgenstein och Cavell”)

22.4 Jonas Ahlskog (ÅA): The Metaphilosophy of Action Explanation: Exploring G. H. von Wright’s Later View of Philosophical Inquiry

29.4 Fredrik Westerlund (Helsingfors): Killing and dehumanization in the Iliad

6.5 Ylva Gustafsson (ÅA): The tragedy of Alzheimer’s disease

13.5 Valde Hougaard (ÅA): Locating agency: Anscombe on intention and ‘doing what happens.’

20.5 Martin Gustafsson (ÅA): Inledning till Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

27.5 Olli Lagerspetz (ÅA): Descartes and the Other Minds Problem

Forskarseminariet i filosofi ht 2023

Måndagar 18-20

11.9 Salla Aldrin Salskov och Ryan Manhire (ÅA): Bedrock gender and Kendrick Lamar’s ‘Auntie Diaries’ – struggling for epistemic justice?

18.9 Lyra Ekström Lindbäck: Playing with Fire: The Immorality of Literature

25.9 Natan Elgabsi (ÅA): Prehistoric Time, Preliterate Mind: The Interconnection of Writing and History

2.10 Ryan Manhire (ÅA): The Difficulties of Climate Grief and the Role of Ecosexuality in Climate Acceptance

9.10 Jonas Ahlskog (ÅA): How history is about reality

16.10 Camilla Kronqvist (ÅA): “Woman enough”: Certainty and Doubt

23.10 Henrik Thorson (ÅA): What’s the Plan? On Law and Morality

6.11 Hugo Strandberg (ÅA): Moral tegrity

13.11 Joel Backström (ÅA / HU): A pervert’s guide to sexuality, morality, and love

20.11 Christoffer Steffansson (ÅA): Om estetism och konstens dialogiska potential

27.11 Natan Elgabsi (ÅA): Ethics and Hermeneutics: Relationships with Absent Others

4.12 Lesley Jamieson (Pardubice): Love’s Realism: Iris Murdoch and the Importance of Being Human

11.12 (NB! 17:15-19:00) Nichan Piispanen (ÅA): Existential vulnerability and its relation to responsibility in Human Robot Interaction

Forskarseminariet i filosofi vt 2023

Måndagar 18-20

9.1 Michael Campbell (University of Kyoto): Psychological Themes in Wittgenstein’s Philosophy: The Case of Einstellungen

23.1 Otso Kortekangas (ÅA): Indigenous avant la lettre: Social anthropology and cultural preservation in the Nordic Sámi areas 1930-1970

30.1 Kristian Sköld (ÅA): Nietzsche: Rhetoric, Language and the Will to Power

6.2 Åsa Slotte (ÅA) presenterar sin nya bok Ur mammas mörker: Essäer om sjukdom, diagnoser, omsorg och hur jag blev filosof. Kommentatorer: Martin Gustafsson och Ylva Gustafsson

16.2 (OBS! Torsdag; kl. 14.15-16.00; Smedjan (M227)) Hans-Johann Glock (Zürich): The Quest for Rigour in Analytic Philosophy

20.2 Martin Gustafsson (ÅA): Passive rationality in speech

24.2 (OBS! Fredag; kl. 14.00-) Philosophy as a Form of Life: Symposium in Honour of Olli Lagerspetz on His Sixtieth Birthday

27.2 Lars Hertzberg (ÅA): Winch’s Wittgenstein

6.3 Patrick Sibelius (ÅA): Ethical Health versus Modern Western Ethics

13.3 Diskussion av texten ”’But Mom, Crop-Tops Are Cute!’: Social Knowledge, Social Structure and Ideology Critique” av Sally Haslanger. Martin Gustafsson inleder.

20.3 Niklas Toivakainen (ÅA): Lacan and Wittgenstein on the ethics of subjectivity

27.3 Olli Lagerspetz (ÅA): Some Main Ideas by Collingwood on Realism

3.4 Salla Aldrin Salskov, Jacob Hjortman, Maria Åsvik (ÅA): Samtalets utmaningar och möjligheter i en polariserad värld

17.4 Ylva Gustafsson (ÅA): Wittgenstein’s hinges and dementia

24.4 Stefan Giesewetter (ÅA): The Objectivity of Meanings

8.5 Christoffer Steffansson (ÅA): On art, creativity and love – a dialogue with Simone Weil

15.5 Taeda Tomić (Uppsala): Kritiskt tänkande och logisk argumentationsanalys

17.5 (OBS! Onsdag; Rhodium (Aurum C 104)) Symposiet Moral understanding / Moralisk förståelse

22.5 Natan Elgabsi (ÅA): A Hermeneutics of Literacy

29.5 Arata Hamawaki (Auburn): The priority of judgment, autonomy, and acknowledgement

Forskarseminariet i filosofi ht 2022

Måndagar 18-20

12.9 Hugo Strandberg (ÅA): On the Supernatural

19.9 Martin Gustafsson (ÅA): Taking truth seriously

26.9 Ryan Manhire (Pardubice): A Shifting Awareness: Thinking about Death During the COVID-19 Pandemic

3.10 Christoffer Steffansson (ÅA): Love and Playing

10.10 Philip Strammer (Pardubice): Love’s Goodness

17.10 Jonas Ahlskog (ÅA): Philosophy and the Real Reasons for Action: G. H. von Wright’s Understanding Explanations

24.10 Camilla Kronqvist (ÅA): Listening to who’s talking: The speaker as context


7.11 Ulrika Björk (Södertörn): Förstörelse och förvandling hos Sabina Spielrein

14.11 Olli Lagerspetz (ÅA / Pardubice): Winch and Collingwood on Logic: Points of Connection in the Light of Published and Unpublished Material

21.11 Alexey Rakhmanin (Helsingfors): Rush Rhees’ Philosophy of Religion: Moral Critique and Grammatical Investigation

28.11 Alexander Öhman (ÅA): Skönheten skall frälsa världen – Var Dostojevskijs Idiot verkligen en idiot?

5.12 Martins Kwazema (ÅA): History of the Past or of Past Futures? Locating a Meeting Point in Africa’s Past

12.12 Natan Elgabsi (ÅA): Posterity’s Responsibility: Rejecting Inherited Guilt and Historical Destiny (JULFEST efteråt!)

Forskarseminariet i filosofi vt 2022

24.1 Martin Gustafsson (ÅA): ”Why worry about Weierstrass? Frege on the paradox of analysis”

31.1 Patrik Hulterström (ÅA/Försvarshögskolan): “Evaluating Wargame Experience”

7.2 Sagy Watemberg Izraeli (ÅA): ”Religiousity as Seriality” / Background reading: Sartre, Collectives

14.2 Nora Hämäläinen (Pardubice): ”Murdoch on ethical formation in a changing world”

21.2 Lars Hertzberg (ÅA): ”Ryle on habits and knowing how”

28.2 Stefan Giesewetter (ÅA): ”Does the meaning of a sentence depend on the meanings of the words in it?”

7.3 David Cockburn (University of Wales, Lampeter): ”Frege, Prior, and the reality of the passage of time”

14.3 Kevin Cahill (Bergen): ”Why Wittgenstein Rejected Carnap’s Conception of Logical Syntax: or, Wittgenstein at Davos”

21.3 Maria Balaska (Hertfordshire/ÅA): ”Wittgenstein on Heidegger on the nothing”

28.3 Antony Fredriksson (Pardubice): ”Václav Havel, Simone Weil and our desire for totalitarianism”

4.4 Olli Lagerspetz (ÅA/Pardubice): ”Collingwood and Winch on the Status of Logic: ’Aristotelian’ vs ’Socratic'”

11.4 Camilla Kronqvist (ÅA): ”What it makes sense to ask about expressions of love”

25.4 Natan Elgabsi (ÅA): ”The Existential Beginnings of Historical Writing” (For thesis introduction)

2.5 Philip Strammer (Pardubice): ”Reflections on the Relation between Morality, Togetherness, Praxis, and Meaningfulness in the Thought of McDowell, Wittgenstein, and Beyond”

9.5 Arwen Meereboer (ÅA): ”Failure and queer kinship in Sven Nordqvist’s Pettson and Findus”

16.5 Emma Strömberg (ÅA): ”Omvandlingar: Reflektioner kring kroppslighet och subjektivitet under och efter en graviditet”

Program för forskarseminariet i filosofi höstterminen 2021

13.9 Martin Gustafsson (ÅA): “I don’t know: Agency, self-understanding and new beginnings in three films by Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne”

20.9 Jonas Ahlskog (ÅA): ”Narrativism and the Reality of the Historical Past”

27.9 (OBS tiden: 17.30 – 20.00):
17.30-18.40 Matti Syiem (Pardubice): ”The Place of Wrongdoing and Remorse in a Child’s Life”
18.50-20.00 Diana Kalášková (Pardubice): ”Reading Malaparte’s Kaputt” 

4.10 Salla Aldrin Salskov (ÅA): On the Politics of Experience in Feminist Theory

11.10 Thomas Wallgren (Helsingfors): ”Unearthing the Socratic Wittgenstein”

18.10 Hugo Strandberg (ÅA): ”Forgiveness and the Dead”

25.10 Lovisa Andén (Södertörn): ”Truth and Representation in Literary Testimonies from the Gulag”

1.11 Göran Torrkulla (ÅA): ”Uppmärksamhet, gensvar och ansvar: Till frågan om uppmärksamhetens roller i våra liv”

8.11 Olli Lagerspetz (ÅA): Reality’ and the Morally Unsayable”

15.11 Ryan Manhire (ÅA): ”On the Wrongness of Racism and the Possibility of Moral Persuasion”

22.11 Camilla Kronqvist (ÅA): ”The Uncertainty of Love”

29.11 Salla Aldrin Salskov et al. (ÅA, TY): From Angry Monologues to Engaged Dialogue? On Self-reflexivity in Studying Polarised Conflict”

6.12 Självständighetsdagen

13.12 Christoffer Steffansson (ÅA): ”Freudian Themes in Iris Murdoch’s Moral Philosophy”

Program för forskarseminariet i filosofi vårterminen 2021

18.1 Martin Gustafsson (ÅA): ”The thinker as draughtsman: On the significance of interconnections in Wittgenstein’s philosophy”

25.1 Sharon Rider (Uppsala): ” Autonomy for Whom? Governance of What? The Rationality of Academic Freedom”

1.2 Cora Diamond (Virginia): ”Some Thoughts on Wittgenstein on Rules”

8.2 Nora Hämäläinen (Helsingfors/Pardubice): ”Moral Change and Moral Truth”

15.2 Avner Baz (Tufts): ”The Problem of ’The World’ in Contemporary Analytic Philosophy”

22.2 Rögnvaldur Ingthorsson (Helsingfors): ”Three Dogmas of Causation” (Abstract)

1.3 Ylva Gustafsson (ÅA): Reflections on the Emotionalization of Research on Burnout in the Health Care Sector”

8.3 Camilla Kronqvist (ÅA): ”Wittgenstein on Recognising Value”

15.3. Stefan Giesewetter (ÅA): ”Category Mistakes in Ordinary Language”

22.3 Cynthia M. Grund (University of Southern Denmark): ”Philosophical Reflections on Food and Its Relationship to Global Health and Sustainability”

29.3 Camilla Kronqvist & Natan Elgabsi (ÅA): ”Laying One’s Cards on the Table”

12.4 Nicholas Lawrence (ÅA), ”Between Scylla and Charybdis: Reading Maimon reading Kant reading Hume”

19.4 Alexander Öhman (ÅA), ”Lévinas, Proust & den Andre”

26.4 Olli Lagerspetz (ÅA), “Investigating ’Man’s Relation to Reality’: Peter Winch and the Vanishing Shed.”  Extra reading: Winch’s Ceasing to Exist

3.5 Open

10.5 Erik Jansson Boström (Uppsala), ”What’s the Point of Philosophy in the 21st Century?”

17.5 Lynette Reid (Dalhousie University), ”Unpacking “The Expression of Belief””

24.5  Alice Crary (New School for Social Research), “Against Effective Altruism”

7.6 Linda Zerilli (Chicago)i: ”To Bring Thinking Down to Earth: Reflections on Volume I of Arendt’s The Life of the Mind”