List of organisations and NGOs

List of Organisations and NGOs 

On this page, you can find a list of organizations, NGOs, and other companies that work with issues related to the themes of Social Exclusion.

If you or your organization would like to be featured on this page, kindly reach out to the program.


  • AFAES operates in the Helsinki metropolitan area, doing integration work for immigrants, especially among people with an African background. (Helsinki)


  • African Care ry is a non-governmental organization operating from Helsinki, Finland. It was founded in 2001 by African women, working as health and social workers. African Care strengthens the societal position of immigrant women and their families. The focus is on supporting health and wellbeing. The organization actively cooperates and coordinates with different ministries, educational institutes and other NGOs. Currently African Care provides support for immigrant women and their families and coordinates a development project in Somalia.


  • Amnesty International’s mission is to make human rights known, investigate and campaign against serious human rights violations around the world. Amnesty conducts extensive research on the human rights situation in various countries. Based on the information, Amnesty makes concrete recommendations to governments and authorities in various countries to solve the problems. (

  • Business Finland helps companies grow and succeed globally, addition to help develop solutions for the future and renew business operations. Business Finland also promotes collaboration between companies and research groups, making way for new developments into the international business ecosystem.


  • DIDAR helps people recognise harmful traditions in their culture and prevent honour-related conflicts. DIDAR offers group activities in different languages and guidance in situations that involve a threat of honour-related violence. Their services are confidential, free of charge and open to all. Operates in Tampere (maybe possible for remote work).


  • Familia – founded in 1988 – is a national expert organization of intercultural families. We support the wellbeing of intercultural families by offering peer support and volunteer activities, information, and advice. We also aim at making improvements in the social and legal systems, so that the needs of intercultural and multilingual families and Finns would be better met. (Helsinki)


  • HilmaA support center for immigrants with disabilities, promotes the rights and equal opportunities for immigrants with disabilities and long-term illness in Finnish society. (Helsinki)


  • Inklusiiv ry is a non-profit, registered association that creates and shares knowledge about diversity, equity and inclusion and drives societal change in Finland. The association’s main focus is on publishing and research activities.


  • INTERKULT (Kassandra ry) is a nationwide cultural association whose purpose is to promote interculturalism through art and culture. Utilizing different art forms, we enable people from different backgrounds to meet equally. In our operations, interculturalism and multiculturalism are common issues, norms in today’s society. As more and more young people today have an immigrant background, our focus is even more on children and young people. (Helsinki)


  • Kalliola works for a fairer society by providing activities and services to increase the well-being of the individual and the community. We promote social cohesion between people and create opportunities for a good everyday life. (Helsinki)


  • KIOS aims to report on the human rights situation in developing countries and the importance of the work of human rights defenders. KIOS also does advocacy work to support human rights defenders and to develop operating models for Finland’s foreign and development policy.


  • Loisto settlement (Loisto setlementti)Our main work is social youth work with gender and cultural sensitive approach. We value equality and diversity, communality, and trust in individual’s resources. We are committed to better the situation of those in weaker positions. (Helsinki)


  • Moniheli is a Finnish multicultural network which includes over a hundred member organizations. We support immigrant, integration and social inclusion and advance equity. (Helsinki)

  • MONIKA – Multicultural Women’s Association Finland, is a women’s organization helping women with an immigrant background. The NGO improves women’s position in Finland. (Helsinki)


  • Mope ry aims for a situation in society where the well-being of immigrant families and information related to intoxicants and mental health can be increased. We provide enhanced child protection family work for immigrant families and provide support and counseling to families with developmental disabilities.

Mope ry | Helsinki | Facebook


  • Plan International is a development and humanitarian organization that advances children’s rights and equality for girls.


  • Rasmus: The Association Against Racism and Xenophobia supports anti-racism work and education in Finland and internationally.


  • Rauhankasvatusinstituutti (The Peace Education Institute) is a Finnish, politically non-aligned peace organization for educators who work in formal and non-formal education settings. In practice, this means teachers, youth workers or activists who are interested in creating safer, more inclusive and equal spaces in their work and in wider society. Our work is guided by three themes that are anti-racism, equality, and global citizenship.

Front page – Rauhankasvatusinstituutti


  • Samha: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Association – SAMHA RY was founded in 2009 by immigrants, for immigrants. SAMHA was created with the intention to close the gap between the services people need, and those who are often left out. They are dedicated to educating about mental health and substance abuse. They firmly believe in encouraging successful integration, confidence building, and ensuring that no one feels left behind.

  • Seta is a LGBTI Rights in Finland aims for an equal society and individual welfare that includes everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. We want to change legislation and attitudes through education and information and by co-operating with authorities and political decision-makers.


  • SONDIP – The union of multicultural associations in South-West Finland is an organization promoting Finnish multiculturalism, which currently has 24 member associations, set up in 2006. The aim of the association is to increase the visibility of membership associations and to promote interaction and cooperation between authorities and multicultural associations. (Turku)


  • SOPU, helps in crisis and conflict situations, which are related to ideas of honour. They have a support phone line and also email. SOPU also offers translation help. Operates in Helsinki (maybe possible for remote work).


  • Startup Refugee, is an award winning non-profit organization that supports refugees, asylum seekers, and other migrants in employment, skills development and entrepreneurship. We have created fast integration model for newcomers.

Front page – Startup Refugees


  • The Family Federation´s Centre for Multicultural ExpertiseThe Family Federation´s Centre for Multicultural Expertise functions as a centre for expertise and resources on psychosocial issues concerning immigrants, particularly relating to family life, childrearing and parenthood. (Helsinki)

(see also: Family counselling at the Centre for Multicultural Expertise | European Website on Integration (


  • The Finnish Red Cross is one of the largest non-governmental organizations in Finland. We take care of those in the most disadvantaged position. We help amidst crises and accidents and support people of all ages when life gets hard. (Helsinki, Turku, and other locations)


  • The Migration Institute of Finland is the only institute in Finland specialising in both the research and documentation of migration flows. Our special task involves documenting the life of Finns living abroad and promoting awareness related to it. We are a national actor and the majority of our work takes place in Finland but, in terms of expatriate Finns, our operating area covers the whole world.

Home – Siirtolaisuusinstituutti Siirtolaisuusinstituutti


  • Think Africa, is a community-driven organization promoting participation, representation, diversity and collaboration between the African diaspora and the Finnish society.

Think Africa – Think Africa Official Website


  • Turun Tyttöjen Talo is a (House for Girls of Turku) is a meeting place for all girls and young women aged 12 to 28. In the House for Girls you can meet new people, practice Finnish language, use a computer and get individual support and help for different kinds of questions and school homework. Together we can also do handicrafts, play games and cook. You can also take part in different hobby and conversation groups and events. Small snack is offered. Activities are planned together with girls and young women. A home-like and safe House for Girls is situated in the city centre of Turku. Workers of the house are women. It is also possible to visit the house with a family at fixed times. Participation for all activities is free.


  • Un Women Finland is an international UN Women committee, which task is to aid (financially) the equality work of UN Women. Additionally, they do communication and influential work. Un Women is the United Nations entity dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. A global champion for women and girls, UN Women was established to accelerate progress on meeting their needs worldwide.


  • Women’s line – Women’s Line offers services to people who identify themselves as girls or women and have experienced violence or abuse, or threat of violence or abuse, and to those close to them. They have a phone line, where women can call and chat to and they also organize support groups (online and face-to-face in Helsinki). Their website is currently being translated into English so much in English is not yet found there (but an intern could possible help with this process).

  • WWF is the world’s leading conservation organization, WWF works in nearly 100 countries. WWF works to help local communities conserve the natural resources they depend upon; transform markets and policies toward sustainability; and protect and restore species and their habitats.


  • Yle the Finnish Brodcasting company is Finland’s national public service media company. Yle was founded in 1926 and is owned by the Finnish people, in other words is 99.9 % state-owned.