Broken Sisterhood: Investigating Social Exclusion of Black African Feminist Women in the White Finnish Feminist Movement.

Master’s Thesis written by Alice Chunga, Master’s student, Abo Akademi University
photo credit:

Motivated by my personal experience with feminism and courses I took in the Social Exclusion Programme, I decided to research black African feminists for my Master’s thesis. In the thesis, I aimed to investigate the complexities of existing and navigating the white feminist space as a black African feminist woman in Finland. I had insightful interviews with four black African women in different feminist spaces to learn about their experiences in the movement(s) which I present and analyse in three blogs:

Blog 1: Being a Black African Feminist in a White Finnish Feminist Space

In this blog, I answer the question: what does it mean to be a black African feminist woman in a white Finnish feminist space? From the discussion with the women, the meaning of feminism and the reality for black African women is very different especially as they have lived in Finland. They expressed that while they were still in Africa feminism had a different meaning compared to what it now means in Finland. This is because the meaning in Finland does not include or recognise them as women. They added that in feminist discussion(s), the meaning of a woman is always defined from a white woman’s point of view as if all women in Finland are white women. This is further exacerbated by the single “immigrant” identity which further erases their femininity, womanhood and blackness. This creates a toxic environment where they are constantly trying to prove they are equal with everyone in the collective.

Being a black African feminist woman in the white Finnish feminist movement means: not being recognised as a woman, only being seen as an immigrant, having the emotional burden of not being an equal, having the emotional burden of trying to fit in and being a teacher to white feminists on issues such as white supremacy and intersectionality.

Blog 2: A Feminist Uphill Battle

In this blog I answer the question: What affects black African feminists’ participation in discussions and feminist activities? I go into more detail about the barriers and difficulties that hinder black African feminist women from fully being themselves and participating in the Finnish feminist movement. There are a multitude of issues that black women and other women of colour face that white feminists have protection from because of their whiteness and their position in the racial hierarchy. The main tools white Finnish feminists use to exclude black African feminist women and other women of colour are white supremacy and Finnish exceptionalism. Even though white feminists continue to be the spokespersons for feminism, they do not address issues of intersectionality (Ajayi-Soyinka, 1993), such as imperial patriarchy, racism, varying definitions of womanhood and women’s experiences.

Blog 3: Feminism for all!

In this blog, I answer the question: How can black African feminists and white Finnish feminists collaborate more effectively? Here I outline some suggestions of possible changes that could be made in the Finnish feminist movement to make it more inclusive and representative of the diverse population of women in Finland. The suggestions include: Firstly, there should be a dismantling of white supremacy and whiteness. In the same way, that the feminist movement is focused on dismantling patriarchy, there should be an equal effort put into dismantling white supremacy within the movement and beyond. Secondly, dismantling white supremacy will only happen if white Finnish feminists recognise their place of privilege and make sure they split the power they possess with other women. Thirdly, after recognizing their privileges and power, they must provide and open the platform for other women to speak. This will ensure that no white woman speaks on behalf of non-white women on issues they do not experience. Fourthly, white feminists should go beyond mentorship and focus on sponsorship. As one participant argued, for white Finnish feminists to be allies, they must go beyond mentorship and provide sponsorship. Sponsorship goes beyond mentoring someone, it makes sure to open doors to opportunities and networks. Fifthly, white Finnish feminist women should make a conscious effort to educate themselves about their history and position in society and other people’s histories. This is the only way they can ease the burden of other women having to educate them about white supremacy, their whiteness and how these issues affect non-white women.

In the process of writing this thesis, I learned a lot about myself, the body I exist in and its relation to the world. As a black African woman, it was in some way therapeutic to have some of my feelings of not belonging validated and shared by women who looked like me. As a person who is optimistic about what feminism could provide for all women, I do not believe that feminism currently represents black African women (and other women of colour) as per my findings. On one hand, I am hopeful of the change that is possible- to make feminism more inclusive. However, I am not ignorant of the emotional cost for this change to happen. Unfortunately, this cost is only expected of the party that has lesser power in the movement, black African women. This begs the question: should black African feminists focus their energy on their “own kind of feminism”? Working towards all women being equal in the feminist movement seems futile unless white feminists recognise, acknowledge and commit to learning and unlearning about their unearned privileges and power.

Sign art by Julie Devine, Photography by Marc Nozell

You can find the full blogs and entire thesis here: Alice Chunga Master’s Thesis


Ajayi-Soyinka, O. (1993). Black Feminist Criticism and Drama: Thoughts on Double Patriarchy.

Picture references

Devine, J. (2018). Intersectional Feminism is the Only Feminism [Sign]. International Women’s Development Agency.

[Photograph of White Feminism Isn’t Feminism SSign] (2022).

Åbo Akademi University Transitions to Electronic Degree Certificates

Starting January 1, 2025, Åbo Akademi University (ÅAU) will issue electronic degree certificates for all graduates. This transition aligns with national trends in Finland and aims to enhance the validation, security, and convenience of degree certificates.

According to the university’s official statement, the electronic degree certificates promise to be beneficial in many ways:

  • Ease of Sharing: The electronic certificates can be easily shared for job applications and further studies, eliminating the need for scanning.
  • High-Quality Signatures: The certificates will feature an approved electronic signature (QES) according to the eIDAS regulation, ensuring international recognition.
  • Sustainability and Reliability: This move supports sustainability and improves the reliability of the certification process.

For those wondering about this transition’s effect on traditional graduation ceremonies, it will continue unaffected by the change. Additionally, the degree certificates will remain being issued in both Swedish and English, including all necessary documents such as the transcript of records and Diploma Supplement. Students can still request a certified copy of the degree certificate in paper form for specified needs such as pursuing doctoral studies abroad or applying for a job.

For more details, you can refer to the intranet or contact

Navigating the Finnish Job Market: Career Boost Event for International Students at ÅAU

Finding your footing in the Finnish job market can be challenging, especially as an international student. Each country has its own unique job search landscape, and Finland is no exception. That’s why Talent Boost is hosting a Career Boost Event designed to help you sharpen your application materials, including your CV, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile. We’ll also have a professional photographer on hand to take high-quality headshots that you can use on your CV or LinkedIn.

In addition to the practical support, you’ll also have the opportunity to connect with Åbo Akademi alumni during our Alumni Coffee Hour. These alumni will share their personal experiences and career journeys, offering invaluable advice for your own job search in Finland.

Event Details:
    • Date: Tuesday, October 8th
    • Time: 11:30 – 14:00
    • Location: Arken Lobby, Tehtaankatu 2, 20500 Turku
What to Expect:
Alumni Coffee Hour

From 12:00 – 14:00, join international ÅAU alumni for conversations about their career paths and job search tips.

    • Session 1: 12:00 – 12:45
    • Session 2: 13:00 – 13:45
      NB! Spots are limited. Be sure to reserve your place by registering via this online form or at the Talent Boost stand during the event
CV & Cover Letter Clinic

Looking for feedback on your CV or LinkedIn profile? Bring a copy with you, and our Career Services team will provide personalized advice to help you stand out.

CV Photo Session

Need a professional headshot? A photographer will be on-site to take professional photos for your CV or LinkedIn profile.

Meet International House Turku

Discover the services and support available to international newcomers in Turku from International House Turku representatives.

This event is part of the Talent Boost program at ÅAU, which aims to help international students succeed in their career journeys here in Finland. The event is open to all international (master’s, PhD, and exchange) students at Åbo Akademi University.

From the End of the Tunnel

My graduation photo on 18 June 2024.

Hello (again) my name is Alice Chunga, as of this autumn, I have lived in Finland for two years and have graduated with my master’s degree in Arts, Social Exclusion! Since I shared my journey from Malawi to Finland as an international master’s student, I want to share the end of my journey as a student and give some insights into what I think every international student should know about being a student in Finland, especially for those who are in Europe for the first time 

The last two years have been some of the most difficult yet rewarding. Being an international student in Finland comes with benefits and challenges like most transitions in life. However, I have grown in ways I never imagined possible and learned many things about myself. Thus, I hope my pieces of advice will be beneficial to your journey and stay in Finland.  

Firstly, be mindful of how you feel emotionally, physically, and psychologically. When you feel overwhelmed with school, work, and life, reach out to the teachers, and ask for an extension or assistance. I have found that most of them are quite understanding, but do not abuse their kindness. Staff members at your University are also a great resource for support, ask and seek them out. 

Secondly, the dark months can be more difficult for people with darker skin tones due to the little sunshine and the abundance of melanin in their skin which can lead to vitamin D deficiency. Therefore, be intentional about your health and make use of student healthcare services when you need them. 

 Additionally, you will find that as an international student, it is quite easy to get stuck in a loop of working and studying. It can be overwhelming and monotonous. Try to find something outside of school and work that keeps you grounded. For me, it has been my faith and being in constant communication with my family back home. Find hobbies, explore the city, and do what you can within your means to live outside of these two spaces. 

Give yourself grace. You are brave for making such a big move. Leaving all that is familiar and starting something in a completely new place is not easy. Give yourself grace when you feel sad, scared, or have any other feeling. When you feel overwhelmed, know there are services at the university and student health care that help support students cope with mental health challenges. 

Lastly, keep an open mind. Be open to learning, adapting, and meeting new people from different walks of life. You will learn a lot. 


Embracing differences while seeking familiarity: A Bangladeshi’s voyage through the traditions of Finland, the world’s “happiest” country

Written by: Shah Dedar, Master’s Student, Åbo Akademi University
Figure 1: Yellow-signed stops, maintaining queues, and the use of designated doors showcase the unique beauty of Finnish local customs.

Cultural diversity is an integral component of every society. Culture extends beyond mere practices; it is a fundamental aspect of our identity and way of life. In the novel “The Razor’s Edge”, Somerset Maugham eloquently expressed that—

Men and women are not only themselves; they are also the region in which they were born, the city apartment or the farm in which they learnt to walk, the games they played as children, the tales they overheard, the food they ate, the schools they attended, the sports they followed, the poets they read and the God they believed in.

Embarking on an academic journey in the “Happiest Country” – Finland, I found myself grappling with cultural disparities that colored my everyday experiences leaving me both amused and perplexed.

Getting on the Bus: Brand new experience

On a radiant September morning in Finland, as the dawn broke over the horizon of Turku, my new home, I embarked on what should have been a routine journey to my university. It was my inaugural day, a seemingly simple task—boarding a bus—turned into a lesson in cultural nuances. There I was, meandering along the roadside, casually waving my hand in the air, trying to signal a bus in the way I had always known back home. To my astonishment, the buses paid no heed to my gestures, continuing on their routes as if I were invisible. Following a lengthy walk, I eventually found a bus stop and sat down by myself, waiting expectantly for the bus to come to a stop. Surprisingly, even at the bus stop, no buses came to a stop until another passenger also gestured to flag one down. My efforts to disembark met a similar fate; my pleas to the bus driver seemed to vanish into thin air. Amidst my confusion, I observed the bus’s three doors. Without giving it much thought, I attempted to board through the middle door, only to be met with a look of displeasure from the bus driver.

It was the “Survival Guide 2023–2024, Åbo–Vasa” that illuminated the mystery for me, unraveling the nuanced tapestry of Finnish public transportation etiquette and the vital importance of cultural acclimatization.

I learned that Bus stops in the area have distinct yellow signs, designating them for the City Transport Service. The numbers posted on these yellow-signed stops indicate the buses that serve each location. When preparing to board a bus, it is necessary to be at the appropriate bus stop and ready to signal the driver by waving a hand and must press the ‘stop’ button to disembark. I felt it interesting that passengers have a role in controlling the bus. Boarding is typically done through the front door; while exiting is facilitated through the middle and last door. I observed passengers forming orderly lines to board the bus. Queuing is an unspoken rule in Finland. I came to learn that Finns take queuing seriously, and it is important never to attempt to bypass the line. This encounter with structured protocol deepened my appreciation for the disciplined and organized Finnish way of life.

Street food adventures and dinnertime: First cultural shock

I had the fortunate experience of living with a Finnish family for three months. On the third evening, I was taken aback when my landlord requested that dinner be finished by 21:00. Back in my home country, that time was barely considered the hour to leave work, let alone sit down for a leisurely “Adda”. It was only later that I realized my landlord had kindly adjusted the usual dinner time by two hours for me, as Finns typically dine between 17:00 and 19:00. This dinner time brought back memories of the customs observed in an aristocratic farmer’s family, a time when switch could not turn on the light, the entire village would wind down after the Isha prayer, putting out their kerosene lamps and retiring for the night. Reflecting on those cherished memories fills me with nostalgia for the simplicity of youth.

Anticipating the joy of indulging in street food, a beloved pastime back home, I quickly discovered that I was now residing in an area devoid of beloved street foods like Chhola, Muri, Piyanju, Puri, Singgara, the iconic Chap from Mohammedpur, or the flavorful Tehari from Neelkhet, along with any other such “Aha” food items! The absence of street food stalls left me longing for the vibrant and diverse food culture I had left behind. Even the switch from rice, a dietary staple, to potatoes showcased the stark contrast in food preferences.

Dudh-cha O Adda (Milk-tea and Casual conversation)

Figure 2: Cha o Adda (Tea and Usual Conversation) is the extreme beauty of ‘Bangali’ culture. Photo credit:

A universal quest for comfort led me to seek a cup of tea— perhaps the most common beverage in Bangladesh. However, my search for the familiar taste of milk tea proved fruitless in Finland. This contrast in beverage preferences highlighted the subtle but significant differences in daily life between the two cultures. The absence of milk tea, and the prominence of coffee as the preferred beverage presented culinary diversity. Typically, a Bangladeshi consumes five to seven cups of tea daily, whereas Finns may have as many as five cups of coffee each day.

Organized cultural loneliness

The allure of Turku’s organized beauty concealed a sense of loneliness as I discovered a stark contrast to the bustling, talkative streets of Bangladesh. The absence of casual conversations and the vibrant street tea culture left me feeling isolated in this seemingly idyllic city. Growing up, the soundtrack of my life included bus horns, the hustle and bustle of passersby, traffic jams, and dust—elements that defined my daily existence. However, arriving here, I encountered a beautifully organized city, which, paradoxically, left me feeling isolated. In this aesthetically pleasing city, people rarely engage in spontaneous conversations, and the absence of a vibrant street tea culture heightened my sense of loneliness.

Through my experiences, I learned that forming connections in this culture takes time. “Finns have a self-conception and reputation for being reserved and sparing with words” (Countries and Their Cultures, 2006). Yet, once established, friendships with the Finnish people are enduring. Finland’s preference for explicit communication contrasts with the implicit communication style in Bangladeshi society. Edward T. Hall’s “High-context vs. Low-context communication theory is relevant in understanding communication style differences. I realized that for an organized society to thrive, there must be opportunities for interaction with neighbors, fostering a sense of belonging and community.

Humans possess a robust capacity for integration. Throughout this integration process, wherein the emphasis is on a “strong sense of their own group identity and an appreciation for other cultural groups” (Martin & Nakayama), I preserved my customary social interactions and dietary habits, opting instead to adopt an organized, punctual, and equally respectful way of life.

Still, I felt ashamed on my first day of trying to stop the bus anywhere on the street.

In my journey, I have discovered that the essence of “Happiest” lies in the bedrock of traits embedded in Finnish society—organization, punctuality, honesty, and equality. These fundamentals are not confined to the enchanting landscapes of Finland; they possess the transformative power to uplift any society. Yet, the true magic happens when these qualities intertwine with the fabric of social interactions and a robust sense of community within neighborhoods. Happiness, it seems, is not just a destination but a way of being, woven into the very essence of how we engage with one another and cultivate strong bonds within our communities.

Our Antiracist Reading List’s Final Theme-Banned Books

We are slowly approaching the end of the academic year, which means the sun starts to come out melting the snow and the students are rushing to finalize all their studies for this year. It also means that our Monthly Antiracism Reading List is coming to another end. This year, for the second time, we divided the books into three themes, to give more context for each recommended book. This year our themes were: Institutional Racism, Indigenous Knowledge and finally Banned Books.


Before going into our final theme, I want to highlight certain contemporary issues concerning our second theme, Indigenous knowledge. Today, we witness devastating and horrific issues concerning the rights of indigenous populations and their land. For instance, we see active genocides happening in Palestine and Congo, to mention a few, when we scroll our social media feed, hence why we also decided to recommend books touching upon these issues and communities. The struggle is certainly still ongoing and there are so many more important books that we could still recommend. Therefore, if the topic interests you, I strongly encourage you to see the extended list of books by the Turku library ( FREE PALESTINE! | Vaski-kirjastot ( and to visit Kirjakahvila, which also has books on the topic (either to be borrowed or bought).


Then to our final theme, namely Banned Books. But what does this mean? Well, with banned books, we do not entail hurtful or violent books that have been banned for a fair reason, but rather books that have been banned due to addressing issues of discomfort, to some. These books deal with issues such as racism, injustice, and criticism of an institute or include sexually explicit content, swearing or mention of drug use or alcohol consumption. I would argue that many reading this would consider these topics to be well-digested and accepted to be read, however, some places condemn these books and remove them from any shelf. Regardless of the books being classics and dwelling on contemporary topics or giving representation to those often misrepresented, they are seen as evil and blacklisted.


It is unfortunate to see the restriction of knowledge and stories, hence we dedicate the last three book recommendations to this theme. The books that we are going to highlight are mainly banned in the United States for various reasons. These books are across-the-board novels, since the academic year is coming to an end, we want to highlight other types of literature than academic texts, which you read during the summer while enjoying the sun and a nice cold beverage. Hopefully these books, along with the other recommended books over the year, have and will be of interest to our readers and spark new ways of thinking and learning.

Digital Divide and Social Exclusion: Bridging the Technology Gap (Case Study: Nigeria)

Student Blog By: Akinyemi Ismaila Tunde

It is important to acknowledge that the advent of disruptive technologies has changed every aspect of our lives in ways we never previously imagined. According to Business Insider, around August 2022, a Polish giant drinks maker,  Dictador noted that it is poised to be the first company in the world to appoint an AI (Artificial Intelligence) robot as its ‘experimental’ Chief Executive Officer (CEO) (Mann, 2023). This giant step shows that the world is in the middle of the 4th industrial revolution and the only way forward for everyone to prepare for this radical change.

However, it is not all good news because there are some disadvantages of this innovation especially in the fact that it can foster a digital divide and challenge social inclusions. Like every other social and economic disparity, the International Finance Corporation (2023), predicts that the digital divide and social exclusion can further increase poverty levels and social inequalities in various areas of the world because access to information increases access to financial success (IFC, 2023)

As noted by Seeletsco and Kaplan (2022), even while digitalization is a worthy endeavour, it has had detrimental effects in several emerging nations, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. The negative effects of technology adoption, such as social isolation and the digital divide, have impacted many people in developing nations.

What is the Digital Divide?

Digital disparities across people, families, enterprises, and geographic areas are together referred to as the “digital divide” (Pick and Sarkar, 2016; OECD, 2001). As established by Taylor and Rasure (2023), the digital divide is a term used to explain the lack of access to digital technologies caused by either a lack of finance, or geographical, demographical, or technical limitations.

The term was popularized in the late 20th century to refer to the limited access to phones and other digital gadgets in various parts of the world. More recently, it is used to examine the lack of internet access and connectivity between males and females, developed or developing countries, urban and rural areas, and oceanic and landlocked areas in different locations of the world.

In 2022, 80% of Europeans and just 22% of Africans had access to an internet connection, indicating the continued disparity in internet penetration rates between continents (IFC, 2023). According to Deloitte (2021), the United States would have added 875,000 new jobs and over $186 billion in economic activity if there had been a 10% increase in internet availability in 2014.

These figures show the rate of the digital divide across continents and how it can contribute to the economic development of countries when it is given the utmost attention its solely deserves. Regrettably, social exclusion also has the same effect across continents.

What is Social Exclusion?

As confirmed by Cuesta, López-Nova, and Niño-Zarazúa (2022), it is estimated that 2.33 billion to 2.43 billion individuals, or around 32% of the world’s population, are in danger of social exclusion. There are 1.3 billion of these individuals living in the South Asian, East Asian, and Pacific areas; 840 million of them reside in China and India alone. Conversely, the highest percentage of any area is seen in Sub-Saharan Africa, where 52% of the population is susceptible to being excluded.

Social Exclusion is defined by Walsh (2006) as the process of preventing someone from fully accessing rights, opportunities, and resources that are typically available to members of a different group and that are essential to social integration and the upholding of human rights within that specific group.

The Relationship between Digital Divide, Social Exclusion and Poverty

The relationship between poverty and digital exclusion is evident. According to Gunkel (2003) (and as already established above), sub-Saharan Africa, the most improvised region on the planet also has the highest rate of ‘digital divide’ and ‘social exclusion’ in the world.

Bridging the technology gap by combating the digital divide and social exclusion is directly related to bridging the poverty gap (Gunkel, 2023), and policymakers and governments across sub-Saharan Africa (most especially) and everywhere else need to understand and appreciate the importance of providing affordable digital technologies because of its power to combat crime, unemployment, poverty, insecurity, and foster economic development.

Digital Divide and Social Exclusion in Nigeria

Nigeria, with its burgeoning middle class, nascent democracy, and youthful populace, is a shining star in sub-Saharan Africa. Nonetheless, the nation continues to confront difficulties in closing the digital gap and expanding employment, educational, and global economic prospects.

In Nigeria, for instance, the National Bureau of Statistics (2023) recorded the real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector for the second quarter of 2023 was 19.54%. In comparison to the 18.44% registered during the same time previous year, this indicates a rise in contribution year on year (YOY) (NBS, 2023).

Why is it important to close the Digital Divide in Nigeria?

The figures from the NBS above show the importance of technology and why there is a need for governments and policymakers to leverage digital innovations to deliver nation-building plans and national economic development projections. According to the IMF (2023), Nigeria is the largest economy in Africa and its most populous nation. So, if 20% of the Nigerian economy is contributed by digital technology with little or no governmental help. It is interesting to imagine the unlimited opportunities available in the ICT space when the government begins to seriously tackle the digital divide and social exclusion that is pervasive in Nigeria.

Edafewotu and Okocha (2022) believe that the challenges presented by the digital divide in Nigeria necessitate a comprehensive strategy that ought to enhance economic growth. It is advised that bridging the country’s digital gap is essential to achieving socio-economic progress in the country. Nigeria must close the growing digital divide that exists inside and between sub-Saharan African states, communities, and people.

How to close the Digital Divide in Nigeria?

To achieve this, the United Nations is actively helping countries with the provision of internet access and penetration through the Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI) which seeks to lower broadband internet costs in particular global regions, and Starlink which has sent satellites into orbit to deliver high-speed internet at cheap worldwide coverage.

Also, the Nigerian government has been collaborating with the Intel World Ahead Programme to increase possibilities of available when the poor have access to digital technologies. Tens of thousands of Nigerians are getting their first PC thanks to the Computers for All Nigerians Initiative (CANi), and schoolchildren in Nigeria are using computers for the first time. Additionally, instructors are becoming more adept at using technology to enhance teaching and learning (Intel Nigeria, 2023).

Another way to close the digital divide is by establishing internet centers that serve all local governments, implementing hands-on information and communications technology (ICT) courses in schools, and providing tax breaks to private businesses to incentivize them to invest in digital infrastructure (Olajide, 2023).

However, the Nigerian government can also learn from the government of the United States’ response to the digital divide and social exclusion roadmaps by providing laws and legislation like the Infrastructure and Jobs Acts (2021). The comprehensive package was signed into law by President Joe Biden on November 15, 2021, which aims to close the digital divide by investing $65 billion to provide rural America with high-speed internet.

Conclusively, it is crucial to remember that closing the digital gap is a complicated problem that calls for a multifaceted strategy. The leaders of Nigeria need to be more proactive in using information and communications technology (ICT) to increase opportunities and allow Nigeria to take center stage in international affairs.

the Nigerian government and other countries need to understand that bridging the technology gap is paramount to preparing the country’s young and vibrant population for the future as the world continues to turn to digital technologies in the global emerging business frontier occasioned by disruptive technologies and innovation.


Cuesta, J.; López-Nova, B.; Niño-Zarazúa, M., (2022). Social Exclusion: Concepts, Measurement, and a Global Estimate. Policy Research Working Papers;10097. © World Bank, Washington, DC.

Deloitte (2021), Quantifying the Economic Impact of Closing the Digital Divide. Deloittle. Available at: Deloitte: Quantifying the Economic Impact of Closing the Digital Divide – Press release | Deloitte US (Accessed 8 Nov 2023)

Edafewotu, E.; Okocha, D.; (2022). Bridging the Digital Divide in Nigeria. 33., The Journal of development communication.

Gunkel, D. J. (2003). Second thoughts: toward a critique of the digital divide. New Media & Society, 5(4), 499–522.

International Finance Corporation (2023), Creating Markets, Creating Opportunities. Available at: International Finance Corporation (IFC) (Accessed 8 Nov. 2023)

International Monetary Fund (2023), Regional Economic Outlook Report: Light on the Horizon? Available at: (Accessed 8 Nov. 2023)

Intel Nigeria (2023), White Paper: Bridging the Digital Divide in Nigeria. Available at: (Accessed on: 13th Nov. 2023)

Mann, J., (2023), The humanoid robot CEO of a drinks company says she doesn’t have weekends and is ‘always on 24/7’ Business Insider. Available at: (Accessed 8 Nov. 2023)

National Bureau of Statistics (2023), GDP Growth (Y-O-Y) Second Quarter. Available at: (Accessed 8 Nov. 2023)

OECD. (2001). Understanding the digital divide. OECD Digital Economy Papers, 49, OECD Publishing, Paris, France.

Olajide, L., (2023), CLOSING THE DIGITAL GENDER GAP IN NIGERIA: WHAT MUST BE DONE. Aspilos Foundation. Available at: (Accessed on: 13 Nov 2023)

Pick, J., & Sarkar, A. (2016). Theories of the digital divide: Critical comparison. In 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2016) Proceedings, IEEE,  3888–3897.

Seeletso, K.M., & Kaplan, A., (2022), Digital Transformation and Disruption of Higher Education , pp. 34 – 44, Cambridge University Press. DOI:

Taylor K., and Rasure, K., (2023), The Digital Divide: What It Is, and What’s Being Done to Close It. Investopedia. Available at: (Accessed 8 Nov 2023)

Walsh, T (2006). “A right to inclusion? Homelessness, human rights, and social exclusion”. Australian Journal of Human Rights. 12 (1): 185–204. doi:10.1080/1323238x.2006.11910818. S2CID 150777458.



Avoiding Common Pitfalls: Failing to Upload the Language Verification Document in the SoEx Application

Applying to Åbo Akademi’s Social Exclusion Master’s Program is an exciting opportunity, but one common mistake can have significant consequences.

Many applicants, especially those opting for the “university degree conducted in English” option, mistakenly assume that uploading their degree certificate and transcript in the educational documents section is sufficient for language verification. Unfortunately, this oversight leads to the automatic dismissal of their applications, preventing them from progressing to the next stage.

Applicants who choose to prove their language proficiency through the “university degree conducted in English” option need to upload their degree certificate and transcript in the designated language verification section. Even if the same documents are requested in other sections, applicants must comply with each requirement separately to ensure their application is complete.

To safeguard their chances of a successful application to the Social Exclusion Master’s Program, applicants must meticulously follow the guidelines, ensuring the upload of all necessary documents and meeting each requirement in the application process.

For more information about the different ways to prove your language skills, check out 8 Ways to Prove Your English Language Skills for Admission in the Social Exclusion Master’s Program

For valuable insights and tips on what to avoid during the application process, check out 6 Don’ts When Applying for the Social Exclusion Master’s Program.

8 Ways to Prove Your English Language Skills for Admission in the Social Exclusion Master’s Program

Welcome prospective applicants! If you are considering applying to the Social Exclusion Master’s Program at Åbo Akademi University, one crucial aspect you need to address is proving your English language skills. This guide will walk you through the various ways you can demonstrate your language eligibility to ensure a smooth application process.

Understanding the Requirements:

Before diving into the details, it’s important to know the accepted methods for proving English language skills. Åbo Akademi University recognizes the following options:

    1. TOEFL iBT
    2. IELTS Academic
    3. PTE Academic
    4. Cambridge English
    5. National Certificate of Language Proficiency (YKI)
    6. Former exchange student at Åbo Akademi University
    7. Proof of language proficiency through separate assessment
    8. University degree completed in English from specified countries

For detailed information on the specific scores required for each test, please refer to the official Åbo Akademi University website.

Special Cases:

– Former Exchange Students:

If you were a former exchange student at Åbo Akademi University, you can use this experience as proof of language skills. Be sure to highlight this on your application and provide any necessary documentation.

– Proof of Language Proficiency through Separate Assessment:

For applicants who hold a degree that makes them eligible for the program but have no other means of demonstrating language eligibility, Åbo Akademi University offers a separate assessment option. The program will evaluate your language skills to ensure they meet the required standards for successful studies.

– University Degree Completed in English:

If you have completed your university degree in English from one of the following countries, your degree certificate and transcript of records must clearly indicate that English was the language of instruction. If not, you will need to provide a document from your university confirming the language of instruction.

Antigua and Barbuda Cameroon Ghana Kenya Nigeria Sierra Leone Trinidad and Tobago
Australia Canada Grenada Lesotho Philippines Singapore Uganda
Bahamas Dominica Guyana Liberia Rwanda South Africa United Kingdom
Barbados Eritrea Hong Kong Malawi Saint Kitts and Nevis Swaziland USA
Belize Ethiopia India Namibia Saint Lucia Switzerland Zambia
Botswana Gambia Jamaica New Zealand Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Tanzania Zimbabwe
Important Note:
Each student can select only one option from the list above. It is crucial to carefully consider and choose the most appropriate means of proving language skills, as your evaluation will be based solely on the selected option.


Additional Resource:

For valuable insights and tips on what to avoid during the application process, check out our blog post on “6 Don’ts When Applying for the Social Exclusion Master’s Program“.