Towards an Antiracist Future

Social Exclusion’s 4th annual seminar in the course Race, Racism and Antiracism.

Keynote speakers this year were:

Pia Mikander is a university lecturer in history and social studies didactics at the University of Helsinki. Since her PhD in 2016, Westerners and others in Finnish school textbooks, her research interests have focused on questions around democracy, active citizenship, anti-racism, norms and power in relation to education, particularly within the subject of social studies.

Leonardo Custódio (PhD 2016 Tampere University), currently (as of the event) a postdoctoral researcher in Minority Studies at ÅAU and PI of the Kone Foundation research project Anti-Racism Media Activist Alliance (ARMA): Research and Activism Collaboration for Creative Uses of Digital Media, Pedagogy and Arts against Racism in Finland (2017-2020). Leonardo Custódio is a leading scholar on communication for social change in Finland. Working at the intersections between academia, activism and organized civil society, Custódio has established himself as a creative agent for collaborative knowledge production between South and North. He has published in peer-reviewed journals, but also produced the collaborative documentary “Complexos” (Finland/Brazil, 2020) based on his PhD research and co-authored the schoolbook Fair Play: Confronting Racism and Coloniality in Games (Kansallinen audiovisuaalinen instituutti, 2022). Custódio is the author of Favela media activism: Counterpublics for human rights in Brazil (Lexington Books, 2017).


There was also a panel which consisted of Michelle Francett-Hermes, Theresia Bilola, Laura Hellsten and Eugene Ufoka.


For more info about the past event see the Instagram page.