Subject Perspective

Subject Perspective

The Master’s Degree in Social Exclusion affords students the opportunity to learn about the phenomenon of Social Exclusion from various subject perspectives. Key among these perspectives are the four areas offered at the Faculty of Arts, Psychology, and Theology:

    1.  Gender studies.
    2. Philosophy.
    3. Study of religions.
    4. Global History.

A subject perspective in gender studies “offers insights into a variety of societal and cultural phenomena and teaches critical, creative, analytical thinking around questions of marginalization and empowerment”. A philosophy subject perspective affords students the possibility to “hone their skills in expressing themselves in speech and writing” whilst also learning how to think about the phenomenon of social exclusion. Study of religions “deals with religion in the past and present from various viewpoints, including purely historical studies, comparative studies and studies in the psychology, sociology, anthropology, and pedagogy of religion.” Alternatively, Theological Ethics and Philosophy of Religion “is a discipline that studies various forms of religious phenomena from the viewpoint of Christian tradition.” In, both the study of religions and theology, students will study social exclusion through the lens of religions and the life views of socially excluded individuals. Finally, in the global history subject perspective, “you will not only be studying individual events but also learn how to reveal the bigger picture within the details” of various cases of social exclusion.

Throughout the two-year degree studies, students will be exposed to materials that will educate and inform them about how social exclusion persists as a multifaceted and multidimensional phenomenon in the contemporary world. For this reason, these four subject perspectives offer critical insights across a wide domain of topics and utilize specialized materials to accomplish this through a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach.

In the first year, students will take courses designed to introduce them to the different subject perspectives. These courses are:

The subject perspective courses are as follows:

    1. Social Exclusion from a Gender Studies Perspective:
      1. Introduction to Feminist Knowledge Production
      2. Introduction to Feminist Theories
    2. Social Exclusion from a Philosophical Perspective:
      1. Doing Research in the Human Sciences
      2. Truth, Power and Justice
    3. Social Exclusion from a Study of Religions Perspective:
      1. Social Exclusion, Religion and Lifeviews: Advanced Perspectives I
      2. Methods and Research in Religion
    4. Social Exclusion from a Historical Perspective:
      1. History of Colonialism/Postcolonialism/Tricontinentalism
      2. Nation, Ethnicity and Minority

Course descriptions and further content can be found in the StudieHandboken.