Vågar provocera – 95 år och vitalare än någonsin

Åbo Konstnärsgilles 95e årsutställning (Turun Taiteilijaseuran 95. vuosinäyttely). Åbo Konsthall/Turun taidehalli, 1 november-8 december. (Texten ingår i serien recensioner skrivna av deltagarna i kursen Kultur- och vetenskapsjournalistikens genrer).

Konstnärsgillet i Åbo fyller 95 år och firar med en utställning som skapar skavsår lika mycket som den vill skildra dem.

Ur Milja-Liina Moilainens video ”Eat dirt! / Saa puskea!”, bildkälla https://www.uniarts.fi/blogit/kuvan-kev%C3%A4t-2019/saa-puskea

Redan det första konstverket i Åbo konsthall innehåller en rejäl portion samhällskritik. Konstnären bakom videoinstallationen ”Eat dirt”, Milja-Liina Moilanen, kastar kängor på såväl djurhållning som kapitalism och kroppshets – inga lättsamma ämnen direkt. Med svart humor diskuterar hon sådant som skaver i samhället i dag och synliggör allt sådant som är absurt i vår närhet, allt sådant som just nu diskuteras på dagspressens insändarsidor och i kommentarsfälten till nyhetsbyråers Facebookinlägg.

Moilanens videoinstallation efterföljs av andra konstnärer som med hjälp av olika tekniker försöker komma åt skavsåren i det inre själslandskapet såväl som i människans relation till miljön. Med så pass delikata budskap är det ingen utställning som man hastar sig igenom och som smälter lika lätt som såpoperan på kanal 3. Konstverken kräver tid att upplevas – ”Eat dirt” gör anspråk på hela 08,26 minuter för att vara exakt.

I Konstnärsgillet i Åbos utställning deltar 24 konstnärer med vad som på ytan skulle kunna ses som en brokig skara konstverk. De använder konsthallens utrymmen på många olika sätt –nästan så att brokigheten i sig skaver lika mycket som de samhällsproblem som de försöker skildra. Missförstå mig rätt: skavsåren jag får av utställningen är någonting bra. De gör att utställningen riktigt kryper under huden och etsar sig fast med sin obekvämhet.

Bland de 23 verken finns video- och ljudinstallationer, traditionella oljemålningar, landskap gjorda av hår, tänder och tuggummin, vissnade gravbuketter, massakrerade skyltdockor och tejpremsor. Fastän det är intressant att stå med ett förstoringsglas och betrakta håliga tänder och använda tuggummin är det ändå i det enkla som utställningens ömtålighet blir som mest påtaglig. Jag tror att det är en vacker sandstrand med lyckliga resenärer som Jaana Valtari låter mig betrakta när det plötsligt framträder en gummibåt bland vågorna och idyllen rivs sönder av tanken på flyktingkriser och döda barn. Jag tror att jag med barnslig förtjusning kan pyssla med oskyldiga dockor i hörnet där Mari Metsämäki uppmanar till lek när jag plötsligt inser att någon före mig lagt dockhuvudet på könets plats och således skapat en helt annan tolkningsdiskurs för vad jag trott var barndomens trygga vrå.

Inte ens på toaletten får jag vara ifred. Där påminner Maria Wests ljudinstallation om vad det är som vi med teknikens hjälp bygger vår existens på och det är omöjligt att värja sig från orden som strömmar fram i det trånga utrymmet. 95 år är ingen ålder som rymmer tillbakablickar och nostalgi – tvärtom. Konstnärsgillet gör snarare allt för att provocera och vitalisera, bevisa att man inte är gammal, dammig och grå bara för att man fyller många år. Det får mig att undra vad gillet kan göra som 100-åring. Att kliva ut genom fönstret och försvinna är knappast ett alternativ.

Miranda Eklund

Tema konstkritik (”Art Criticism”)

Bloggen återupplivas på svenska nu de sista veckorna i november med några texter på temat Konstkritik. De är skrivna av några av mina studenter. Uppgiften har varit att skriva en recension i dagspressformat av valfri pågående konstutställning, här i Åbo eller någon annanstans i Finland. Om de har fått högsta vitsord har jag frågat om de vill att jag publicerar texten här som en liten uppmuntran.

Svårigheten var att skriva en text som inte bara beskriver verken eller berättar om bakgrunden till utställningen, utan som också är tolkande och värderande/kritisk.

Det visade sig att väldigt många av deltagarna klarade uppgiften briljant och att vi tycks ha många blivande svenskspråkiga kulturjournalister och kritiker bland våra studenter här. Frågan är bara var de ska publicera sig i framtiden och var kanalerna och finansieringen för kulturkritik kommer att finnas. Även detta diskuteras förstås på kursen.

Kursen heter ”Kultur- och vetenskapsjournalistikens genrer” och presenteras så här:

”Kursen syftar till att ge en överblick av området vetenskaps- och kulturjournalistik samt att genom praktiska övningar utveckla förmågan till eget skrivande i några av de viktigaste genrerna. Genom att ett flertal ämnen tillsammans är ansvariga för kurserna anläggs och utvecklas genomgående tvärvetenskapliga perspektiv.”


Första recensionen kommer upp här på måndag.


Karikatyr av Grandville ur ”Un autre monde” (En annan värld”), Paris 1844.

Visual studies and Art history

A typical picture for Visual studies? One can say a lot in sociological terms about this. This is the type of pictures people usually ask us about.

Art history is an important part of Visual studies, and most of us who work in the field are art historians by profession. The somewhat problematic relationship between Art history and Visual studies is discussed in an open and inspiring manner in the collective volume Farewell to visual studies (2015), edited by James Elkins and composed of transcripts and responses from the 2011 Stone Art Theory seminar. The seminar brought together over 30 distinguished scholars who have made substantial contributions to Visual studies and related fields in different countries.

Some conclusions are quite clear from the discussions in the book: Visual studies is primarily a British and Anglo-American phenomenon, it has been dominated by social/sociological issues in connection to the Cultural Studies tradition, with much focus on content (or what an Art historian would call ”iconology”) and less on form and aesthetic/psychological aspects. The provocative title ”Farewell to visual studies” is probably intended by the organizer and editor James Elkins as a farewell to Visual studies as it has been, in its more limited aspects. Elkins would like Visual studies to become more ”difficult” (or complex, or interdisciplinary), less focused on contemporary Popular culture, and more open towards other types of images and longer historical perspectives. He asks why for example the scientific image has been largely neglected within Visual studies, and agrees with such scholars as Michael Ann Holly that Visual studies has increasingly lost contact with History prior to the age of Photography, Television and Internet.

Few ask us about such pictures as this. This is also a political picture and very interesting for Visual studies. (”Holy Olav, eternal King of Norway”, newly painted Icon for the Orthodox chapel in Stiklestad).

Few of the contributors to Farewell to visual studies disagree with Elkins on these points. Some suggest explanations to why we have this situation. One quite natural explanation has to do with competition and the need in a new field to distance oneself from ”tradition”. Clearly Art history and History at large represents ”tradition” in this academic game. Still, practitioners of Visual studies are often Art historians or at least Arts people by training, and there is a reluctance towards studying pictures for which the usual methods and analytical tools in the Humanities are insufficient. Somewhat paradoxically, Visual studies seems to have become too unhistorical in terms of the choice of topics, yet too dependent on existing methods and theories in Art history. I think we’ve been trying to avoid these traps here in Åbo. It can be done by focusing more on methods and the development of alternative metods, rather than certain topics and periods. It is good to visit seminars at other departments and facultites (Philosophy, Psychology, History, Sociology, Biology…), and it is good to contribute to both Art history and Visual studies and teach both subjects in order to avoid narrow specialization. One excellent option to learn more about medieval culture and iconography (i.e., ”the study of pictorial content”) was the 2018 Iconographic Symposium in Trondheim/Stiklestad, Norway. There I found the newly painted icon of the Norwegian national saint Olav in the local orthodox chapel. In this picture the ancient rules and symbols of Icon painting are adapted to a contemporary national context in which the Orthodox communities only represent a tiny minory. More about the Iconographic symposium soon, I hope.



Visual studies and the body

From Sade Kahra’s installation Wear Your Fear – Cancer Collection at BioCity Turku. Copyright Sade Kahra 2018. Photo: Fred Andersson.

Visual studies belongs primarily to the ”humanistic disciplines” or ”the Arts”. To be active in Visual studies has often been a way to combine Art history with Comparative literature, Media or Film studies, Sociology, and even Linguistics and Psychology. However, the development of Image and Media technology takes place in the fields of Science, the fields of numbers and precise instruments. At least some knowledge of the natural sciences and of scientific methods is helpful if you want to understand the use and impact of images today. With our Visual studies intitiative at Åbo akademi, we try to break the comfort zone of our ”building” (Humanities and Languages) and to create dialogues with researchers from Computer Science, Psychology/Medicine, Bioscience and other natural sciences. One opportunity for such dialogues is our course Visuality and Visualization of Information (see Våra kurser / Our Courses).

Our role as ”humanists” is of course not to try to become matematicians or biologists, but to understand (critically) how Science alters our ideas and capabilities. Not the least when it comes to our bodies. Here in Turku, we have a lot to learn from the Bioimaging program at BioCity Turku. Recently, on August 23rd – 24th, BioCity arranged the international symposium Seeing the Invisible. Many artists, working with ”fine arts”, take inspiration from biotechnology and bioimaging. Part of our job as scholars of ”liberal arts” (history, criticism, and the like) is to comment upon their work.

Detail from Sade Kahra’s installation Wear Your Fear – Cancer Collection at BioCity Turku. Copyright Sade Kahra 2018. Photo: Fred Andersson.

For the Seeing the Invisible symposium, Turku artist Sade Kahra had installed textile objects from her project Wear your Fear – Cancer Collection in the BioCity entrance hall. The objects are white robes on which colourful images of cancer cells have been printed. These images have been produced by scientists who work with the advanced microscopy and visualization devices available at the Bioimaging program. The robes are held together by ribbons on which some background information about each case/image is printed, the information being only partly visible. Most robes are hanging suspended around one of the main staircases of the hall. This exhibition is on view for a month, until September 28th.

Until one realizes that the images printed on the robes actually represent cancer cells, they may only strike the viewer as exceedingly beautiful. Biomedical visualization techniques produce images which are aesthetically very appealing, which makes them increasingly popular and useful for creating curiosity. However there is a difference between curiosity and understanding. In the text which she has written for the exhibition Sade Kahra implies that most of us still interpret scientific images according to old expectations and conventions, whilst it is much harder to fathom the new possibilities and discoveries which these pictures actually make visible:

”Bioimaging is not about reproducing, but depicting reality with a specific meaning. For centuries our eye has been trained to look at images based on certain rules, with an image perception typical of our culture. Common man interprets and perceives the biomedical visualizations as traditional images and therefore, despite their testimonial value, they remain a composition of colors and abstraction.”

To print the images on cloth and to wear them on our bodies could be a way to reclaim the bodily and aesthetic experience in the abstract world of science: ”New technologies have formed medicine into an image science, but as in early physics, our internal microscopic elements are disconnected from all bodily and social contexts.” If this is so, then a more intimate relationship with Science and a deeper understanding of its images may help us identify more clearly the cultural habits and rules which usually condition how we see things. This is no doubt an important aim of Visual studies.

Visual studies into the future…

James Elkins proclaimed ”Farewell” to Visual studies in 2016, as an ironic gesture. The Stone Art Theory Institutes: Volume Five.

It was almost three years ago since anything was last posted here. Probably blogs are already outdated as a means of communication; things develop at an increasing speed (technology, industry, culture, economy, World population), and things which used to be effective become obsolete almost overnight.  Anyhow, I have decided to test this medium again in order to probably reach some souls outside the building in which I work.

This ”I” (ego) which is writing is Fred Andersson, art historian and responsible for the Visual studies initiative at Åbo Akademi University. I started writing this blog in 2012 in order to inform about our activities. From now on I will write all posts in English, simply because that is the only language in which I can make myself generally understood in Finland, and not only for the Swedish-speaking population. Every year quite many exchange students from different countries take our courses in Visual studies and Art history.

To begin with I have some announcements:

  1. Åbo Akademi has given me a regular full time position as University Teacher in Visual Studies (universitetslärare i visuella studier, anställning tillsvidare), which means that Visual studies will continue here. There is a future, in spite of James Elkins (one of the founding ”fathers”) who ironically bid ”Farewell” already in 2016.
  2. The Åbo Akademi web pages and the Åbo Akademi course catalogue and registration system have been completely changed this year. In the process, much information has become unavailable for those without access to the intranet. For safety, I have created an open page with all our courses. Click the link ”Våra kurser/Our courses”. For Åbo Akademi students with access, it is possible to register directly though links to the Moodle pages.
  3. There has been an ongoing project about art criticism in Finland and Sweden. It belongs to Art history rather than Visual studies, but material from the project is now available in Swedish though the ”NAC (Nordic Art Criticism) register och statistik” link.
  4. I will probably write short postings, starting immediately. Consider this as the ”sketchpad” of Visual studies at Åbo Akademi. It is nice if someone reads it, but comments are de-activated due to massive amounts of spam.

Vi-Ser (Visual Studies Seminar) starts in Turku next week!


guerlainDrawing of guerlain_metereorites_unsharp_binary guerlain_metereorites_unsharp_binary guerlain_metereorites_binary guerlain_metereoritesIntermediary level / ämnesnivå: Vi-Ser (Visual Studies Studies Seminar) now starts! As a student, you can follow the seminar this Autumn as a 5 ECTS course called ”Content Analysis in Visual Studies” (130027.1). Content Analysis of texts and media is an etablished method of social research, and widely used in evaluations of public relations and media strategies. With the increasing importance of visual messages in media, content analysis of images has emerged as a specialized field. In this Autumn’s seminar/course, we will study how linguistic theories have contributed to content analysis, but also get an overview of how technologies for pattern recognition have made automated visual analysis possible. These issues are related both to the development of Digital Humanities and the current focus on Big Data in science.

Schedule for the Vi-Ser seminar / Content Analysis in Visual Studies, Autumn 2015:

Tuesday 27.10 Initial Orientation: Digital humanities and automated visual analysis. Text: Lev Manovich, “The science of culture? Social computing, digital humanities and cultural analytics” in M. T. Schaefer and K. van Es (ed.), The Datafied Society. Social Research in the Age of Big Data, Amsterdam University Press 2016, forthcoming. Download the text on Lev Manovich’s homehage, here:

manovich.net & ssi: articles

Tuesday 3.11 Content analysis of images in the social sciences. Text: Gillian Rose, ”Content analysis I” in id., Visual Methodologies: An Introduction to the Interpretation of Visual Materials, Sage 2001, pp. 54-69. Read the chapter at EBrary, here:

Visual Methodologies (link only works from a connection to the abo.fi system)

Tuesday 10.11 Content analysis as design methodology. Text: Martin Krampen, Die Welt der Zeichen: Kommunikation mit Piktogrammen / The World of Signs: Communication by Pictographs (bi-lingual text, illustrated), Avedition 2007. A pdf of the introduction (pp 14-48) will be distributed

Tuesday 17.11 Methods for Measuring Visual Semantics. Texts: 1) Hartmut Espe, ”A Cross-Cultural Investigation of the Graphic Differential” in Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, vol. 14, no 1 (1985), pp. 97-111. 2) C. Lawrence Zitnick and Devi Parikh, ”Bringing Semantics Into Focus Using Visual Abstraction”, conference paper, IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (CVPR), 2013. Pdf:s of both papers will be distributed.

Tuesday 24.11 Automated visual analysis I. Text: Alberto del Bimbo, Visual Information Retrieval, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers 1999, pp. 1-68 (chapter 1). The book is avalaible in Alma.

Tuesday 1.12 Automated visual analysis II. Text: del Bimbo, pp. 81-131 (chs 2-3).

Tuesday 8.12 Automated visual analysis III. Text: del Bimbo, pp. 134-198 (chs 4-5).

Tuesday 15.12 Automated visual analysis IV. Text: del Bimbo, pp. 203-258 (chapter 6)


(länkning pågår till intressant.se)

These courses will start in September 2015 in Visual Studies

Modern picture of the basic visual pathway. The blue patches at the center are the LGNs (Lateral Geniculate Nucleae)

Modern picture of the basic visual pathway. The blue patches at the center are the LGNs (Lateral Geniculate Nucleae)

Basic Level:

Image Perception and Cognition, Thursday 3/9.

Intermediate level:

Statistik för beteendevetare 1 (in Swedish), Tuesday 1/9

Cultural Imagology: An Introduction, Thursday 3/9

For full descriptions and schedules, see:
Visuella Studier / Visual Studies 2015-16




These courses will start during April and May in Visual Studies

poster_spring2015bilderbokenbildbeskowBilderbokens estetik (130022.1) 5 eller 10 sp

Kursen leds av Maria Lassén-Seger som är en av Nordens ledande experter på barn- och bilderböcker. Föreläsningarna fokuserar på bilderboken som ett särskilt medium baserat på samverkan mellan bild och text. Ett stort antal exempel på bilderböcker från olika tider studeras och analyseras. Kursen avslutas med en essäuppgift.

Kursstart: tisdag 14 april kl. 16-19, Camera Obscura (E201)

Litteratur: Maria Nikolajeva, Bilderbokens pusselbitar (grundbok)


poster_spring2015socbildVisuell sociologi och antropologi (130006.0) 5 sp

Kursen leds av Fred Andersson med föreläsningar + praktiska övningar i bilddatabasen ”Representation i bild av Body Modification” (utvecklas vid ÅA). Föreläsningarna presenterar hur fotografi används både som källa och som forskningsmetod i sociologi, antropologi och etnologi.

Kursstart: måndag 4 maj kl 10-12, Camera Obscura (E201)

Litteratur: Douglas A. Harper, Visual Sociology (grundbok),

lånas i ASA-biblioteket


vsfolderBlueye_movepathEye Tracking Methodology in Visual Studies (130030.0) 5 sp

Kursen leds av Marcus Nyström, medarbetare vid Lunds Universitets Hum-Lab – ett av Europas ledande centra för forskning om ögonrörelser, läsning och bilder. Kursen fokuserar på praktisk färdighet vid hantering av apparatur vid insamling av data, samt formulering av forskningsfrågor och analys av data. Det finns ännu plats för ytterligare några deltagare. Vi uppmanar särskilt studenter från Psykologi och från ICT-ämnena att söka – dock senast 13/4.

Kursstart: måndag 20 april (i Moodle)

Litteratur: Kenneth Holmqvist et al., Eye Tracking (grundbok)


(länkning pågår till intressant.se)

These courses will start during MARCH 2015 in VISUAL STUDIES

posterbild_photographymareyINTERMEDIARY LEVEL:

Photography and the Moving Image (130026.1) 5p.


Fourth mandatory course for students at the intermediary level. Other students of ÅAU and exchange students can also participate. The philosopher Antony Fredriksson (see previous post in Swedish) and the Culture and Religion scholar Sofia Sjö give an introduction to the history and theory of Photography and Film. They are both conducting research on Film as a channel for ideologies and world-views. Film screenings are included (e.g. Eisenstein’s October, Marker’s Sans Soleil and Minh-Ha’s Reassemblage)

Introduction: Mon 16.3 4-6 PM, Camera Obscura (E201), Arken

Schedule: Mon during w. 12-14 and 16-19, 4-6 PM; screenings 2-4 PM (w. 14, 17, 19)


poster_autumn2014_johnbullINTERMEDIARY LEVEL:

Applied Cultural Imagology (130025.1) 5p.


Optional course for students at the intermediary level. Other students of ÅAU and exchange students can also participate (English at BA or MA level is recommended). What is a national stereotype? What does smell and sound mean for the identity of a place? What kind of mental images do we make when we read a text? Such questions are asked in Imagology – a research field created by scholars who want to understand the connections between the Psychological and the Social. Your teacher is professor Anthony Johnson of the English department at ÅAU.

Introduction: Thu 19.3 4-6 PM, Camera Obscura (E201), Arken

Schedule: Thu during w. 12 and 15-19, 4-6 PM; reading/writing period w. 13-14


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Fotots idéhistoria: disputation 9 januari

Antony_FredrikssonAntony Fredriksson (filosof, undervisar i fotografi och rörlig bild) lägger fram sin doktorsavhandling vid Åbo Akademi nästa vecka, fredagen den 9 januari. Avhandlingen har titeln ”Vision, Image, Record – A Cultivation of the Visual Field”. Opponent är professor William Rothman från University of Miami. Dagen innan disputationen, torsdagen den 8 januari kl 19.15 i rum Westermarck (Arken, Åbo Akademi) håller professor Rothman en gästföreläsning på temat: ”Emerson, Hitchcock, Film”. Vi har skrivit om Antonys forskning tidigare här på bloggen, t.ex. i mars 2013.

Länk till mer information: Avhandling i filosofi 9 januari

Avhandlingen i digital version: Vision, Image, Record – A Cultivation of the Visual Field

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