Navigating the Finnish Job Market: Career Boost Event for International Students at ÅAU

Finding your footing in the Finnish job market can be challenging, especially as an international student. Each country has its own unique job search landscape, and Finland is no exception. That’s why Talent Boost is hosting a Career Boost Event designed to help you sharpen your application materials, including your CV, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile. We’ll also have a professional photographer on hand to take high-quality headshots that you can use on your CV or LinkedIn.

In addition to the practical support, you’ll also have the opportunity to connect with Åbo Akademi alumni during our Alumni Coffee Hour. These alumni will share their personal experiences and career journeys, offering invaluable advice for your own job search in Finland.

Event Details:
    • Date: Tuesday, October 8th
    • Time: 11:30 – 14:00
    • Location: Arken Lobby, Tehtaankatu 2, 20500 Turku
What to Expect:
Alumni Coffee Hour

From 12:00 – 14:00, join international ÅAU alumni for conversations about their career paths and job search tips.

    • Session 1: 12:00 – 12:45
    • Session 2: 13:00 – 13:45
      NB! Spots are limited. Be sure to reserve your place by registering via this online form or at the Talent Boost stand during the event
CV & Cover Letter Clinic

Looking for feedback on your CV or LinkedIn profile? Bring a copy with you, and our Career Services team will provide personalized advice to help you stand out.

CV Photo Session

Need a professional headshot? A photographer will be on-site to take professional photos for your CV or LinkedIn profile.

Meet International House Turku

Discover the services and support available to international newcomers in Turku from International House Turku representatives.

This event is part of the Talent Boost program at ÅAU, which aims to help international students succeed in their career journeys here in Finland. The event is open to all international (master’s, PhD, and exchange) students at Åbo Akademi University.