Martins Kwazema’s Doctoral Defense – The Irony of Economic Miracle.

On Monday, October 23, 2023, at 13:00, the doctoral defense of Martins Kwazema is scheduled to take place at the Helikon Auditorium in Arken, Turku.

Martins Kwazema’s academic journey with the Social Exclusion Master’s Program has been nothing short of remarkable. His roles as a research assistant and guest lecturer have allowed him to share his expertise and inspire countless minds. His co-editorship of “Contemporary Discourses in Social Exclusion” underscores his dedication to exploring the complexities of this vital subject.

But it’s Martins’ doctoral research that takes center stage on this special day. His research delves into Ghana’s December 31st Revolution (1982-1992), revealing the paradoxical nature of its “economic miracle.” Martins Kwazema’s doctoral defense promises to be a thought-provoking exploration of a critical period in Ghana’s history.

Save the date, and let’s come together to celebrate Martins’ accomplishments and engage in a stimulating discussion about Ghana’s past and its implications for the present and future. See you there!